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How about an awesomely bad pun? Me and one of my buddies take a lot of pride in throwing these out there in random conversation. :yes:


The other day, I was cleaning the house, and I knocked the smoke detector off the wall (it's barely hanging on there), and it bounced off a shelf and hit me in the head. My friend's response? "Holy smokes!". :pinch:

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Why aren't the Japanese looting?


everything is water damaged

Too soon? perhaps.

I've heard quite a few Japan jokes in relation to the recent disaster, and I feel bad for laughing :(

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Before the birth of Chuck Norris, two wooden handles joined together by a chain and used as a weapon were known as nun-Barry's.


Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.


Chuck Norris counted to infinity. Twice.

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IMO...too soon for Japan jokes. I know jokes started the day after the shuttle Challenger exploded, but that was 7 lives vs over 16,000... Also interesting is how there are virtually no jokes (I haven't heard any, at least) about 9/11 - we can't make fun of Americans, maybe?




Simple Simon met a Pieman

Going to the Fair.

Said Simple Simon to the Pieman,

"What have you got there?"

Said the Pieman unto Simon:

"Pies, you idiot!"

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Also interesting is how there are virtually no jokes (I haven't heard any, at least) about 9/11 - we can't make fun of Americans, maybe?"


New Yorkers are the fastest readers in the world. They go through 110 stories in 5 seconds


wham bam thank you ma'am

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