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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Since the topic is being engaged a copyright wouldn't be limited to an exact duplicate of a model or texture. Even making something similar to something else, even from scratch, and then calling it by the same name could break a copyright if the holder of said copyright chose to pursue the issue. (For instance Nintendo had to stop making their wired Wii controllers because they were "similar" to the design of another company's copyright, the ones that were for sale when Wii's came out, and that company chose to pursue their copyright based on similarity). While I understand the sites stance on ripped material (and pulled a ripped model I had uploaded since I wasn't clear on site policy at the time) even replicas made by oneself would still be subject to the same copyright issues. Least that's my understanding.



And here's where things get ugly.


To debate over the exact scope of a copyright is a futile effort because there literally is no cutoff thought out for the digital age. Disney could technically take someone to court for posting a video blog on the metamorphosis of the butterfly because it happened to casually depict a Lion King poster in the background. The cutoff is very roughly defined based on what a larger company deems as free advertising and being ripped off, and even that is inconsistent between each company. A random modder making a Sophia Esteed outfit or something would probably be viewed as fanart and free promotion of the Star Ocean series by Square-Enix, but Viacom has been known for doing ...



Generally speaking, a lookalike product is safe from courtroom threats as long as

1. The creator is not distributing it for profit

2. It does not harm anyone else's profits. Taking an exclusive armor directly from another game that you have to pay a company to normally use falls in here. Even if it were a free game, you're still basically harming that company's incentive and efforts to get people to play their own game.


Also, mods that are based on but do not directly take away from someone else's product at least arguably fall under Parody protection, which just gives a lot of the things on TES a meatier defense.


That's all I'll say on the matter.

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Can smbody help me to find this armor...

I'm searching this armor for a long time :wallbash:


HENTAI's Angel's Wing. Private mod.


Ok, stop off topic. I think, that we need to create a new topic for copyright problem.

On subject - this dragon. I found the author (ancient_laws, on 3dmgame.chnren.com and TesNexus) and wrote to him about the dragon, but ancient_laws did not send a reply. Any ideas?

Long answer: Ah, Nezagaxa! Ancient_Laws cannot release it as it's ripped from another game. He may choose who he shares with, and so far he has only chosen those he is close to, or in his modding clan, and those who DO have it are bound by his wishes to not redistribute it.

Short answer: HAHAHAHAno. I don't mean to sound rude, but you have a snowball's chance in the underworld of getting Nezagaxa.

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Can smbody help me to find this armor...

I'm searching this armor for a long time :wallbash:


HENTAI's Angel's Wing. Private mod.


There's no this mod on TES Nexus=(

But, thx for help :biggrin:


Actually, that armor was released in the Hentai Mania mod. Now I don't know if through installing the mod and going adventuring through all that it adds will get you this armor, as I just took the pack apart for myself since it conflicted with other things that I already have. What I do know is that the mesh and texture are in that pack. The mesh name is Luna.

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I went to slofs website again and her mod still hasn't been posted back up, she has pics of it all over her site, but not the mod itself. Any other ideas of where to go?


If it were me, I'd browse around and look for other mods which might have the desired texture included. I don't know off the top of my head which ones might, but it'd be a place to start. If you find something suitable you can rename the texture to be a replacement.

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Back when I first played Oblivion, I had a mod which simulated damage by increasing the fuzziness.


Kind of like the inebriation mod, the more damage you took, the worst your vision became.

It had various options, trough an in-game menu.

I've been looking for it for a while but can't find it.





Also, I'm looking for a regeneration mod based on Endurance (and maybe strenght, been a long time since I last used it)

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can some one find me a mod where it makes the ground/cement blocks in higher resolution or retexture?

ive had it before but i just forgot what it was called.


thanks in advance

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