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I'm terribly sorry if it's already been asked, but would anyone happen to know what race this is?




It looks like an Orc obviously, but it's so much cuter.

To me that face looks like orc Danis13 Orc Beauty Patch but it can also be female from Ahtata Orc Replacer or Half Orcs.


I would be ever so grateful if someone could tell me what mod this clothing/armor is from (http://www.tesnexus....-1295238210.jpg).


An answer here is welcome. A PM will work too.

Some private/unreleased armor made by hentai(zotman)


Thanks for the response, hopefully the author will release it with another mod in the future.


Also, regarding the Orc that Deathmore10 posted, any idea what that outfit is (specifically, the arms/top piece)?

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you sure? I don't think the top is. I downloaded the queens armory and the top in there is completely different in many ways. Different cup size, shoulder guards. So I guess yeah it could be an edit but it's a lot of editing.



It's a modified version of queen's armory. there are several retextures of it, too. I can name at least 6.

Edited by Kjkirimi
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Wasn't the queens armory the base for all the Dancing Shadow Rose edits? I never really understood why everybody gets all "WANT!" about this armor, but there sure are a lot of good edits around.
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i don't think it is... i have that mod at some time now... i looked there as i thought it could be bought but every hero on the shop is not selling the tattoo itself... and at the readme there's a pic of every god in there and i believe who took those screenshots had the tattoo at everybody as a body replacer...


you can even download the readme to check those screenshots... :confused:

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What armor/clothing mods use Roberts Female?


Almost every single one of them out there uses the HGEC normal bodies which sucks, I really didn't care for those, honesty I thought the shoulders made every female character in my game look like an anorexic. :(

Edited by Lehcar
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I'm using Valeria Caresse companion. Recently, as I was browsing race mods on tesxenus, i noticed in "Raven Elves" mod that there's a possibility to transform Valeria into a Raven Elf, giving her new apperance. Unfortunately, the link to this "Valeria Caresse 2.0" companion was broken. Is it avaible anywhere else?

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