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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Do I need to take care about something if I want to use those mods like you do it?

1. Colorwheels

2. HGEC more revealing standard armor

3. ...


...make a back-up of your "Data/meshes/armor"

(it's about the heels - more about later)

If this is your very first armor replacement, and you didn't have a "Data/meshes/armor" folder - all the original boots are inside the meshes.bsa file. They can be extracted with the Oblivion Mod Manager!


1 - First I had installed "Colorwheels" completely with armor.

Because it replaces all(!) the armor (incl. MythicDawn, Arena, etc.).


- Now comes something important!

All the replaced standard armor has boots with heels now.

The next installation "HGEC more revealing..." has no new boots! There are only cuirasses and greaves for the standard armors.

Now the big question is: do you like those new heels? Or do you not!

I didn't like them - but that's your decision now.

So start your game and have a look at the new heels. If you like them, everything is fine. If you don't like them - go to your saved "Data/meshes/armor" folder (or extract them from meshes.bsa), and put the original boots back to your current installation folder.


2. - Now you can install the "HGEC more revealing standard armor" mod.


3. ....any other cuirass from Female armor pack - if it tastes better to you....


Btw, I forgot to tell:

HGEC - Yet Another Armor Replacer Mod - Iron Armor Redux (by MShadowy) is a very nice replacer for iron armor... :)


Greetings, Tobjoern

Edited by Tobjoern
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For replacers to work you need archive invalidation enabled, most easily done using the default option offered in Oblivion Mod Manager in the Utilities menu. As true replacers don't use an esp and aren't activated using the launchers Data Files (or by OBMM for that matter) the archive invalidation step allows the game to find and use the new assets instead of the vanilla ones packaged in the game's bsa files (archive files that the game uses and decompresses on the fly while you play). You only need to do archive invalidation once.


Because of this you can mix and match the parts you like from any replacer (whole armors, not individual pieces of armors). You can use the glass armor replacer from mod A and steel armor replacer from mod B and all the others from mod C if you want. Or decide to leave some as vanilla ... total freedom. What you need to do is download the replacer to a temporary folder and then extract the archive to that same folder (not overwriting anything in your game's Data folder yet). Examine the folder structure. That folder structure is hardwired into the game, so it will need to be exactly the same when you copy the files you want into your game's Data folder. Here's a simple way to insure that.


Download all the replacers you want to try to their own unique folders ... mod A to a folder named 'mod A', mod B to mod B etc. Extract the archive to their respective folders. Create a new folder named MyReplacers or whatever you choose. Right click the Data folder in mod A's extracted archive and then select 'Copy'. Right click your MyReplacers folder and select 'Paste'. Now using the pictures on the mod A download page here on Nexus delete any subfolders for all the replacers for mod A you don't want to use (let's say for example everything except glass and steel for mod A). Make sure you get the meshes and textures for each one you don't want, but leave the ones you want. Now go through the other mod's extracted archives and delete the glass and steel meshes and textures (using this example). Using mod B's download page pictures decide what you want to use from mod B. Delete everything you don't want to use from mod B (let's say all except leather and mithril). After you've cleaned out all but what you want to keep from mod B right click it's Data folder and select copy. Paste into your MyReplacers folder and select 'Yes to All'. The folder names are the same but the actual contents you are pasting aren't. That's the secret of this method. Delete the leather and mithril folders from the remaining mod C, D etc folders and continue the same way until you have a MyReplacers folder that contains a Data folder and subfolders that only has what you want to install into your game. Then right click the Data folder in your MyReplacers folder and select copy. Now navigate to your Oblivion install folder, find the folder named Oblivion and right click and select paste. Again answer 'Yes to All' when prompted about overwriting folders and you're good to go!!


Always keep in mind this rule about copying and pasting folders ... always paste into one level higher than you copied. If you copied the meshes folder you'd paste into Data, if you copy Data you paste into Oblivion. A dead giveaway you've messed up is if you don't get the prompt about overwriting folders. You'll see a Data folder inside your Data folder (or meshes inside meshes etc.). Just drag and drop or right click 'Cut' and paste into the proper location. Now if you're doing individual files they go into the same named folder they were copied from.


Good luck!

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Does anyone know if there is a version of the Diablo Elves that does not have tattoos? I think there are six Diablo Elf races, Cheese, Chocolate, Ice Cube, Original, Moon Diablo, and Mulberry Purple, and they are part of XEORC (I think).








In my opinion these are the best looking elf races to be found, but I'm just not a fan of tattoos. If anyone knows of a version without the tattoos that would be great, or any way to remove them through photoshop or something.

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You'd probably just have to remove them manually through photoshop. :/


I honestly think the tattoos look rather low in resolution in-game. Then again, I play on 1440x900, so everything looks like that. xP Actually been considering taking the time to make some higher resolution versions of the D-Elves, since they seem pretty popular. If I do, I might make some tat-less ones.


But, 'till then, it's a manual job.

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Looking for a mod to avoid beginning in the Imperial Prison, but keeps the Emperor alive. Also activates the main quest normally when sent to prison. Sorry if this isn't the right place, I'm new!

This one may be what you need. I haven't tried all custom start mods here, but out of the ones I have tried this one keeps the Emperor alive and activates the main quest as usual if you go to prison. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23757


Some people in the comments say it has bugs. I haven't had too many problems with it. It may just need to be put last or low in the load order.

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You'd probably just have to remove them manually through photoshop. :/


I honestly think the tattoos look rather low in resolution in-game. Then again, I play on 1440x900, so everything looks like that. xP Actually been considering taking the time to make some higher resolution versions of the D-Elves, since they seem pretty popular. If I do, I might make some tat-less ones.


But, 'till then, it's a manual job.

Ah darn. I'm not that great with photoshop (can only do basic stuff, don't want to mess with the .dds files). Yes the tattoos look kinda blurred, or maybe it's just my graphic settings or something.

Well you've got your first request to make a tattoo-less one from me lol. Thanks in advance.

Another interesting thing I've noticed is that none of the other races in MBP/XEO has any resemblance to Diablo Elf. It seems most of the MBP/XEO-related screenshots all use Diablo Elf.

Edited by Heartcloud
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