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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Wow, thanks lonewolf_kai, it's the right one I was talking about. Thank you for helping me out, it's always appreciated :thumbsup:

No problem my friend. I ought to thank you as well. I didn't know about that Yuravica monster mod either. I'm going to add those into my current monster list as well. :biggrin:




I saw some Oblivion screenshots recently that had some dragons in them. Not the dragon mount one though. Both were four legged. One was reddish-black, with horns on it's face and looked kind of blocky, the other was almost aquatic looking. Blue with frills on the head.

Could you find those pictures? Just based on the description and knowing past history with the four legged mods, I'd guess they were rips, but like I said, I'd need pictures to tell you for sure.



Here's a few. This one is actually a bunch of two legged dragons: My link

Here's the aquatic one: My link

And here's the other one: My link

The dragons in the first one are as follows: red one is called Nazagear, the skeletal ones are called Frostwurm (I think). The wolf is ripped content. You can find them individually as mods with Google since they are not listed here at the Nexus.

The second dragon picture I've never seen before and would definately be interested in where to find that one myself.

The third dragon picture is a private mod of Vikki's made by a modder called Ancient_Laws. She can't and won't share that one.


Alright, thanks. Not a huge fan of the third on anyways, but the first one does interest me, so I'll have to go check those out. What do you mean by "ripped" content though? I'm not sure I get what you're saying there.


Also, while I have people here, what are some good house mods that are compatible with the Unique Landscapes compilation?

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Also, while I have people here, what are some good house mods that are compatible with the Unique Landscapes compilation?


Shamless plug: Highwood.

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Also, while I have people here, what are some good house mods that are compatible with the Unique Landscapes compilation?


Shamless plug: Highwood.


"If you prefer strictly lore friendly homes, you are not going to like Highwood." That's putting me off right now. If I ever decide "screw the lore" though, this is the first mod I'm installing.


Also, I actually meant to say "towns or villages" not homes. Sorry for the mixup.


Edited by AnubisRaven
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Hi guys, is there a Oblivion mod that allows you to place/plant trees and/or bushes?


Was just thinking how it would be cool if I could do some cool stuff around my castle grounds just like castle owners in the real world do haha. :)


I've tried to find a mod myself but have had no luck.

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Hi. There used to be a mod named "StopBumpingIntoMe" which worked very well to keep Lydia from pushing me off of cliffs or nudging me while I was taking aim with my bow.


I had to do a reinstall after a hardware problem, and I can't find it any more. Is there anything equivalent around? UFO does a lot of things but does not address the collision problem, nor does "Move It" which works in the opposite direction.

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