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thanks a bunch, man! I owe you one. :thumbsup: But that isn't exactly what I was looking for. I'm looking for this: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11608 , but in-game somewhere I can buy it. My computer isn't running CS properly so I can't put it there myself, that's all.


and does anyone know what the sword in this picture is:



and the armor in this picture is:



AND... Does anyone know if this mod is dead, or if it was released and I could grab it, because that's pretty insanely sweet:

Thanks in advance,


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I've been looking for a mod that only alters the map screen of Cyrodill, the in-game one where you may fast travel, on the Quest part of the menu. I've tried DarNified UI, but I can't stand its altering of other things (even disabling everything save the map, and still the font alters), and looked through all the UI-tagged mods, finding nothing of the sort. Is there something like this out there?
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Unfortunately, I missed the biggest part :( What I was actually looking for is an expanded map screen, the likes of which are usually included with many UI mods. I want the map screen to be larger, but only the map ^^

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Hi, just about to start a new game of Oblivion (after playing some FO3, I wanted to come back to Oblivion!) and was hoping to find some mods.


Is there a mod that adds recolored versions of the vanilla robes? The one I'm looking for is the 'green robe' recolored to a blue / dark blue color... I love the look of the shoulder pads and strap across the body... but would just prefer it in blue


Also, when I played a year or so back there was a mod that added staffs of illumination to the game (staffs carried in the left hand as a light source... so a fancy torch basically!) - there are several mods out there that add this but the one I had back then allowed you to toggle the light source on and off. I think this was done my equipping the staff several times which toggled it on/off. Just want to walk around with the staff but no allows emitting light. I tried using a defensive staff but they are carried like a shield and are always held down to the side instead of vertically.


Any help is mucho appreciado!

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