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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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hey, a week ago i came across a mod that edited dark elf, wood elf and high elf ears. At that point i didnt want it coz i hate elf playing elf races but now i want it so atleast the NPCs walking around have the better looking ears. All i remember is the picture when u search for it has the 3 ears shown. The wood elf one is like bent in the middle to hang to the side-ish. Would appreciate if you could find this been searching for 3 days and i cant driving me nuts! It could have possibly gotten deleted though i suppose.


This wouldn't be the picture you mean would it? If it is, yes I did delete it for a time and for a time only had it available at my forum, but I reuploaded it here about 2-3 weeks ago. It's here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21845



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Is there a mod that improves the combat animations to make them more fluid and graceful? Basically so that you see a blademaster, not some guy who's flailing his sword left and right.


Yes there is deadlyreflexes, and several others that make combat more realistic by decreasing health and increasing weapon damage, but that's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a mod that improves the combat animations.


Thanks in advance.

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There was a mod or replacement for mages robes textures. It made default mage robe to become very beautiful -- it was dark with interesting gold (as i remember) drawing. I've lost it and can't find it anymore. It was on TesNexus. I would appretiate your assistence.

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