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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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been looking kind of long now with no luck >.< does anyone know the name or where (if) this armor can be found? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/4...-1222679088.jpg




wow i found it right after i posted D;


One of A-Type2(aka Speed Buster)'s armor. Looks like they're from AT2 01-Shiki Armor Sets. However, to get such screenshot, you'll have to modify the meshes or turn off 'window reflection'(right?), since the armors are very shiny.

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Hiya. I'm going insane. I've been downloading oodles of character/hair.face/eye mods, and combining them in various ways. Generally, they conflict. What I'm really after is a combination of only a couple mods that will give me nice character (and NPC!) faces and bodies. Currently, I'm probably going to have to reinstall because all my NPCs have the same 'Age' for some reason. If you can track down mods that will work together for this, it would be great.
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I had OOO and with it came some mod that gave every Alchemical effect an ingredient could have it's own icon. Like, Restore Fatigue looked like Restore Health except it was green. There were different icons for the different types of Shield ingredients and every other effect.


I've uninstalled and reinstalled Oblivion since then and I guess I didn't choose to install whichever mod did that as a part of OOO.


Does anyone know what it might be?

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Hey, on Youtube there was a guy showing off his modded Oblivion and he had a very badass, very awesome modded intro.

I googled around and looked everywhere for it however, I couldn't find anything other than mods for skipping the intro (the bit with the sewer and emperor).

If anyone knows this mod's name and/or whereabouts... Please halp.

And how about a link to that Youtube intro? Sadly, but telepathic Tesnexus members are currently away, so you have to deal with normal ones :)


I tried my best to find it while posting, but it was impossible to find... :wallbash:

I searched for damn near an hour, I could not find it.

It could have been removed for some strange reason.

If anyone could find it regardless, I'd really appreciate it.

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Hey, on Youtube there was a guy showing off his modded Oblivion and he had a very badass, very awesome modded intro.

I googled around and looked everywhere for it however, I couldn't find anything other than mods for skipping the intro (the bit with the sewer and emperor).

If anyone knows this mod's name and/or whereabouts... Please halp.

And how about a link to that Youtube intro? Sadly, but telepathic Tesnexus members are currently away, so you have to deal with normal ones :)


I tried my best to find it while posting, but it was impossible to find... :wallbash:

I searched for damn near an hour, I could not find it.

It could have been removed for some strange reason.

If anyone could find it regardless, I'd really appreciate it.


Hmmm, you may wanna try this mod - Alternative Start - Zombie Mayhem by MightyLink. Also try searching TEXNexus with the words alternate and/or start coz there's a few others out there as well.

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