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I can't say I heard of such an editor, but you can rename your character through console. Two ways:

If your desired name contains one word, then open console, click on your character and type "setactorfullname <name you want>" without quotes.

If it's two or more words, then open console, do showracemenu command, close console and change the name of the character, but DON'T hit "done", reopen console, press esc and save, load that savegame - almost the same as for changing appearance.


Also, probably other things you want from editor are achievable through console.


You can rename to a two word name without using the race menu. You just need to put quotes around the two-word name in the cheat code;


setactorfullname "My Name"

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I'm looking for a weapon/armor short quest mod. If I remember correctly, you pick up a copy of the Black Horse Courier in the Imperial City Market District, telling you about a ship wreck north of Anvil. Basically, there is some crazy guy that thinks there are dragons. You find the location of his camp and kill him, and get his weapon and armor, which have a definite "Paladin" feel to them. Thanks in advance. Edit: I'm also looking for the mod that adds a house to the top of the White Gold Tower. I've been looking for a while, but cannot find it. Another edit: I'm also looking for a treehouse that adds many new meshes/textures. It is literally in a tree, I belive it requires Shivering Isles.
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I'm looking for a weapon/armor short quest mod. If I remember correctly, you pick up a copy of the Black Horse Courier in the Imperial City Market District, telling you about a ship wreck north of Anvil. Basically, there is some crazy guy that thinks there are dragons. You find the location of his camp and kill him, and get his weapon and armor, which have a definite "Paladin" feel to them. Thanks in advance. Edit: I'm also looking for the mod that adds a house to the top of the White Gold Tower. I've been looking for a while, but cannot find it. Another edit: I'm also looking for a treehouse that adds many new meshes/textures. It is literally in a tree, I belive it requires Shivering Isles.


The house mod at the top of white Gold tower is called "Top of the World".

Well since a lot of posts was lost and theres no way to see if someone repsonded to mine, Ill just ask again. :P

Anyway, im looking for an english mod that adds Valenwood either as its own worldspace or in addition to the Tamriel worldspace.

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Hey I was wondering if someone can help me find a mod that changes the way you walk with your weapon out.




DMC Stylish



what you are specifically looking for within the download is








(Same goes for two hands, except its TwoHandIdle and the like)

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I'm looking for a weapon/armor short quest mod. If I remember correctly, you pick up a copy of the Black Horse Courier in the Imperial City Market District, telling you about a ship wreck north of Anvil. Basically, there is some crazy guy that thinks there are dragons. You find the location of his camp and kill him, and get his weapon and armor, which have a definite "Paladin" feel to them. Thanks in advance. Edit: I'm also looking for the mod that adds a house to the top of the White Gold Tower. I've been looking for a while, but cannot find it. Another edit: I'm also looking for a treehouse that adds many new meshes/textures. It is literally in a tree, I belive it requires Shivering Isles.


The house mod at the top of white Gold tower is called "Top of the World".

Well since a lot of posts was lost and theres no way to see if someone repsonded to mine, Ill just ask again. :P

Anyway, im looking for an english mod that adds Valenwood either as its own worldspace or in addition to the Tamriel worldspace.



Aren't you trying to translate the German version?

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Hi, I've been looking for some time for a mod that makes the skies blue and or appealing and less scary once you enter (not just near, but actually in) an Oblivion Gate, to be visually like they are outside in the normal world. If there isn't that, then perhaps if there is anything that makes it less red... Also, is there one to make the oblivion planes less graphic Intensive, like removing the glow from lava, because my computer likes crash randomly while in the Oblivion Planes. Thanks in Advance
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Hi, I've been looking for some time for a mod that makes the skies blue and or appealing and less scary once you enter (not just near, but actually in) an Oblivion Gate, to be visually like they are outside in the normal world. If there isn't that, then perhaps if there is anything that makes it less red... Also, is there one to make the oblivion planes less graphic Intensive, like removing the glow from lava, because my computer likes crash randomly while in the Oblivion Planes. Thanks in Advance


I assume it's a bug, but Natural Environments did that to my game the last time I used it. I didn't like blue skies in the Oblivion realm, but what it brought to the game visually was worth putting up with that one problem.

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