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Im looking for a mod I saw a while back but cant find, it was pretty much a bounty overhaul, it made it so that you wouldnt get a bounty of nobody saw you commit the murder/crime, or you killed everyone who did, ie: you could kill a lonely village of civilians, or shoot somebody when nobody saw, and have no bounty. Also I believe there was a different mod that made it so that bounty would dissapere if you "lay low" for a few days, and didnt get arrested.
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Im looking for a mod I saw a while back but cant find, it was pretty much a bounty overhaul, it made it so that you wouldnt get a bounty of nobody saw you commit the murder/crime, or you killed everyone who did, ie: you could kill a lonely village of civilians, or shoot somebody when nobody saw, and have no bounty. Also I believe there was a different mod that made it so that bounty would dissapere if you "lay low" for a few days, and didnt get arrested.


You can try Reneer's Guard Overhaul. It has what you say, and you can customize the amount of gold paid for each crime and the amount of days they would remember it. Also customizes things like sight/hearing range and regional crime settings.


It adds disguises which adds like different body pools of bounty where you would have a bounty of XXX on mages' guild disguise while 0 bounty on your normal character.


The only problem I've had with this is sometimes when you are finally caught, the bounty is really high because of the past crimes you've commited even though no one saw you. (Prehaps I have some other mods clashing thats why but you can try)

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Okay, it wasn't so easy to find a dual weapon mod...

I found one, but I'm not sure if it really works. Also, I found a race or something called blade dancer, with a female character that uses two blades and fights in an anime-ish way.

Other than that, unless Deadly reflex allows the use of two weapons, the I couldn't find more. I usually prefer to get more than one, just to be sure something will be compatible.


Any help with that?


First there is Seph's Dual Wield Beta although that is mostly just animations, then there is another Unnecessary Violence which is a fighting overhaul that lets you dual wield any weapon I believe...

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Okay, it wasn't so easy to find a dual weapon mod...

I found one, but I'm not sure if it really works. Also, I found a race or something called blade dancer, with a female character that uses two blades and fights in an anime-ish way.

Other than that, unless Deadly reflex allows the use of two weapons, the I couldn't find more. I usually prefer to get more than one, just to be sure something will be compatible.


Any help with that?


First there is Seph's Dual Wield Beta although that is mostly just animations, then there is another Unnecessary Violence which is a fighting overhaul that lets you dual wield any weapon I believe...


Yep, I found it by accident! Thanks for the help, tho :3

Still need to update Oblivion for that...

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