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It's NPR's Diano armor, I think the ears are no longer available, and I'm pretty sure the character is NPR's own custom character.


The ears are not available if they're those accessory ears, but ears that point out sideways like that are available here: http://kumakumakokuma.blog38.fc2.com/


You have to know the construction set to use them however.

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I've been hearing about a chinese modding site that has really good mods, any one have the url to that site

one that has like the pet in this>http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/36908-1251747521.jpg picture

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If i remember correctly there was a Necromancer/Dark Magic user Shop,it was not a AlienSlof one thats for sure.


The biggest features of this mod was that you could buy all the Exnem's Runeskulls.


This mod set the shop in a cave that was located nearby IC i think,or not too far off the IC lake anyway.


I would like to find this mode back so that i can uses the skulls to decorate my homes around Tamriel.


Also wasn't there a mod that allowed you to throw your sword in a spin animation and that the sword would come back in your hands?,like in DMC games.


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