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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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If i remember correctly there was a Necromancer/Dark Magic user Shop,it was not a AlienSlof one thats for sure.


The biggest features of this mod was that you could buy all the Exnem's Runeskulls.


This mod set the shop in a cave that was located nearby IC i think,or not too far off the IC lake anyway.


I would like to find this mode back so that i can uses the skulls to decorate my homes around Tamriel.


Also wasn't there a mod that allowed you to throw your sword in a spin animation and that the sword would come back in your hands?,like in DMC games.




A Necromancer Shop



I can't remember how the other mod is called, but I know it to.

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Im looking for armor/clothes that looks like the armor/clothes of sauron or his minion(the one always riding on some kind of dragon)(im not sure if this is the one im looking for i forgot lord of the rings but i remember theres someone in there that have black armor and his face is pure black) in lord of the rings. or any armor/clothes that looks like tyrael(the one included in midas magic mod not other tyrael mod) tnx
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Im looking for armor/clothes that looks like the armor/clothes of sauron or his minion(the one always riding on some kind of dragon)(im not sure if this is the one im looking for i forgot lord of the rings but i remember theres someone in there that have black armor and his face is pure black) in lord of the rings. or any armor/clothes that looks like tyrael(the one included in midas magic mod not other tyrael mod) tnx


Sauron's Armor Chest

Tyrael Armor - You can find some retextures, as well.

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that was fast i was about to edit my post hehehehe tnx. i forgot is there a mod that change the color of the glaive made by jojo included in froustmourne mod to black? by the way now im truly sure thats not the one im looking for. i just made a screenshot :http://img683.imageshack.us/i/78858476.png/ this is the one im looking for but in black color (NOTE:ive taken this from midas magic mod so dont send me link for midas magic mod).
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While i was travelling the pages of this thread i stumble across a high number of people who asks for FPS savers mods for low/end life comps.


I rembered that last year before completly changing my hardware,i had a P4 3Ghz single Proc with 1 GB ram and a 128MB agp VGA...yeah that sucked.


At the time i used a wonderfull mod that can make look the game as if you turned all the graphical sliders to the max(well i exagerat a bit but it looks descent enought to look enjoyable) and nearly have no lag or little(you go to 25fps with a 68mb VGA...),it had something to do with the textures en buffer cells.


Anyway here is the link to Oldblivion website.


Its compatible with the 1.2 Ver and SI


Here is one of the comp that one of the users posted some nice screens on there website

Geforce 3 64 MB standard edition, 1.5 Ghz AMD Athlon, 512 MB RAM


Yup...its something from the Stone age!

But check the screenshots section of there sites,you while have a big slap in the face!




Or check the config in this Thread and then the screenies.


Well still remember that even if this heavy mod does a great deal,it won't be a bad idea to use some more FPS saver mods like LODs or Grass mods and such.



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hi I'm looking for some night club would you care to help ?


thank you






The best there is. Also check her profile to download the addons. It's a mod that adds adult stuff to the game, just so you know.

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A while back i had an armor mod that was all that i cant find now, it was all black and had black cloak with a hood that blacked out your face, and gauntles and greeves to match, black as well and very evil looking, also i had a staff that was sort like the staff of worm but had a full rib cage with a skull and its arms crossed in front of its chest, and was in the test items room

ty in advance

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