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Search this topic, somewhere around page 80.

I think I clicked every link between pages 60 and 100. Can anyone point me to a more specific location?



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Guys, can you point me at Robert's Male Body nexus page? It seems it's at a new version and I got a older one. (Found)


Also, I've been looking for a mod related to emcumbrance, I've seen it somewhere, it affects like, if you get too much stuff you are still able to take more and more, but there are some penaltyes to run speed. Any leads?

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No, I was saying that I already had converted the brown wolf texture for FF and that I planned to convert it for HGEC if I can manage it without my tablet. I have no plans to convert any of the other Soqui types for FF or anything else. Sorry, didn't mean to get your hopes up.
Oh well. It's my bad I misunderstood your post anyways.





Looking for the hair and headband. The band looks familiar to me, somehow.

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hey guys, i saw a mod that added a Trebuchet to oblivion, with animations and whatnot capable of launching stuff / people at walls and stuff.


i was wondering if anyone knows where it can be found?

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I believe the headband or some similar variation is in this mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15617

The hair looks like one from any number of cosmetic mods, like Beautiful People 2ch, Sirens & Tritons or my MHE mod.

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