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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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When I was looking for something else, I sware I saw a mod that allows attributes above 100 on leveling. Later, I've tried searching for it, but all I could see were mods that change attribute leveling overall. I'm ok with the old way. It's easier to control how my character levels. I just want to go above 100 on leveling. Did I just dream it? Thanks for any help.

elys uncapper

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When I was looking for something else, I sware I saw a mod that allows attributes above 100 on leveling. Later, I've tried searching for it, but all I could see were mods that change attribute leveling overall. I'm ok with the old way. It's easier to control how my character levels. I just want to go above 100 on leveling. Did I just dream it? Thanks for any help.

elys uncapper


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Hi all, hoping you can help me out!


I'm looking for a mod I had a very long time ago, It was a script effect spell that you could cast on ANY object in the game, and then move it/ rotate it to any amount you wanted. I downloaded it a very long time ago so I'm not sure it's still even on TESnexus.


However, Any help you could give, or any mods that do the same thing really would be great.


Thanks in advance! :thumbsup:


Decorator Assistant, by any chance?


Afraid not, because Decorator Assistant works on items, I'm talking about world static objects, like Rocks, Bridges even, hell, it even moved walls! To give a quick summary of what it did, you cast the "touch" spell on any static object, this object would then glow a purple/pink colour and you could use the keyboard to rotate and move it (Not sure if it had a menu too, I forget).

I believe you are looking for this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24498

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Hi all, hoping you can help me out!


I'm looking for a mod I had a very long time ago, It was a script effect spell that you could cast on ANY object in the game, and then move it/ rotate it to any amount you wanted. I downloaded it a very long time ago so I'm not sure it's still even on TESnexus.


However, Any help you could give, or any mods that do the same thing really would be great.


Thanks in advance! :thumbsup:


Decorator Assistant, by any chance?


Afraid not, because Decorator Assistant works on items, I'm talking about world static objects, like Rocks, Bridges even, hell, it even moved walls! To give a quick summary of what it did, you cast the "touch" spell on any static object, this object would then glow a purple/pink colour and you could use the keyboard to rotate and move it (Not sure if it had a menu too, I forget).

I believe you are looking for this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24498


:biggrin: You have really made my day! Thank you so much for finding it for me :) :thanks: :thanks:

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I used to have this mod, tho after a complete system crash and one year later, i can not find it any where. The mod i am after is a "dark" elven armor retex. The Khajit on the left is wearing it.




I have been looking for around 3 hours now with no joy.


Any help would be much appreciated.





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I'm looking for this jacket:



I know it's based on Devil May Cry 4 Lady, but can't seem to find the mod.

Please help.


If it is ripped from DMC4, I don't think you can find it here. Perhaps some Asian community has it, but it would be more likely a private mod.


I'm asking because there is a mod on tesnexus that has two other outfits from DMC4.

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I'm looking for this jacket:



I know it's based on Devil May Cry 4 Lady, but can't seem to find the mod.

Please help.


If it is ripped from DMC4, I don't think you can find it here. Perhaps some Asian community has it, but it would be more likely a private mod.


I'm asking because there is a mod on tesnexus that has two other outfits from DMC4.



Those meshes are completely new remakes of the DMC armors. This jacket is not.

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