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Hello everyone. :happy: I hope someone could help me out. I'm looking for one armor for female characters. It looks like retextured dark seducers armor (the color is black) and it has some chains and I think it was for Exnem body. Thank you. :blush:

The only one I can think of is Bast.

Yes that's it, thank you! :happy:

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I know this isn't really the point of this topic, but are there any high resolution shields? I care more about the back of the shield (the part you see while blocking) than the front of it. The only shield I can think of that actually has decent textures is the Lich King shield made by joijo (don't know how to spell it) and that isn't the kind of shield I have in mind for my current character.
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Been away from modding oblivion for some time and lost all of my mods (due to getting a new computer). Starting up again and would really like to find a house that I once had. It put a small portal by the door of every house in the major cities, inside there were models for armour, a sorting area for herbs etc and a large room full of trophy cabinets to store weapons etc, if someone could lead me to it I would be very greatful.
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I'm hoping I won't need to describe anything as I have a picture, I'm looking specifically for the attached armor set. It might also be nice to know if I need any body mods to go with it. Thanks.


Edit: I've already tried looking through all of the adult mods in the armor section, with no luck.

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I'm hoping I won't need to describe anything as I have a picture, I'm looking specifically for the attached armor set. It might also be nice to know if I need any body mods to go with it. Thanks.


Edit: I've already tried looking through all of the adult mods in the armor section, with no luck.


it's called umm.. lancer dread armor. it's a korean mod and they like to keep things private

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I know on my old computer and game I had a mod that added a sort of 'recall' spell that allowed you to teleport outside of whatever cave/dungeon/interior you were inside. It wasn't mark/recall, just made you teleport to the outside.


It was an amazing tool especially when fort diving, I was wondering if anybody can remember what mod this is.

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