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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Been away from modding oblivion for some time and lost all of my mods (due to getting a new computer). Starting up again and would really like to find a house that I once had. It put a small portal by the door of every house in the major cities, inside there were models for armour, a sorting area for herbs etc and a large room full of trophy cabinets to store weapons etc, if someone could lead me to it I would be very greatful.


Armory Lab?

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I'm looking for a mod that makes merchants greedier as you level up. The costs of items (any items, be it ingredients or armor) increases depending on your current level. (I need more ways to spend my gold!) Though if the selling price increases as well, further fattening your purse, this would defeat the entire purpose of the mod.


I don't know if my description does this mod justice. Once upon a time, before I had too much gold to spend, I swear I saw a mod that did just this. I've been looking for days now and can't find it. Seriously, I'm starting to think I've gone crazy. (Has such a situation ever happened to anyone before?)

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Been away from modding oblivion for some time and lost all of my mods (due to getting a new computer). Starting up again and would really like to find a house that I once had. It put a small portal by the door of every house in the major cities, inside there were models for armour, a sorting area for herbs etc and a large room full of trophy cabinets to store weapons etc, if someone could lead me to it I would be very greatful.


Armory Lab?


Thanks a lot dude!

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I'm looking for that mod that adds realisitc knight armor. It creates a store in Chorrol called a knights desires or somthing like that. I had it instaled but my computer crashed and now im trying to reinstall it. It was hard to find the first time and now i'm not having any luck. Leave a replying and PM me the link if you find thanks.
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I'm looking for that mod that adds realisitc knight armor. It creates a store in Chorrol called a knights desires or somthing like that. I had it instaled but my computer crashed and now im trying to reinstall it. It was hard to find the first time and now i'm not having any luck. Leave a replying and PM me the link if you find thanks.


That'd be Knightly Armory.




I'm looking for a mod that adds a cave with new rings/mage items. Very powerful items, includes wristlets, new clothing, and rings that have an animated magical fire/mist instead of a gem. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

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Is there a mod that allows people to fast travel whilst taking Sun Damage?


I'm playing with a Vampire mod where sunlight would almost kill me instantly a long time ago, but now Im an elder who takes minimal sun damage - so little, in fact, that vampiric regeneration offsets it altogether.


At this point, i feel i should be able to fast travel in daylight. Is there a mod that would disable that restriction? Thanks!

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Is there a mod that allows people to fast travel whilst taking Sun Damage?


I'm playing with a Vampire mod where sunlight would almost kill me instantly a long time ago, but now Im an elder who takes minimal sun damage - so little, in fact, that vampiric regeneration offsets it altogether.


At this point, i feel i should be able to fast travel in daylight. Is there a mod that would disable that restriction? Thanks!


I don't know any, but wearing Day walker's amulet stops getting sun damage, allowing you to fast travel at day.

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