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but i think, someone of you have this armor, or it save on your computer.

if it true, could someone give me this file?


I'd be keen for that too. It's like perfect armor for my character who I haven't been able to find anything suitable for yet.


That would be considered redistribution as well. You can try contacting the author and ask if they would be willing to forward it to you, but this particular person is fairly angry with the Oblivion modder community so I'd just give up on it if I were you.

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Do you know where to get the component mods or at least what they are called?

Not sure if you have given up, but here are the credits for the armor.

Thanks to A TYPE-2 for the gloves from SPB Boots Set

Thanks to Doughnutz and Gizmodian for the skirt from Shaiya Outfit for HGEC

Thanks to HENTAI for the choker from Eve's Outfit

Thanks to NPR for the corset from R18PN 04 - Amy AM Set for HGEC and the belt from MHSN Kirin Armor for HGEC

Thanks to OZMO for the crossed belt from Elwing Outfits for HGEC and the top part of the boots from HGEC Indigo Armor

Thanks to Petrovich for the HGEC Boots

Thanks to Fallen20 for the modified version of HGEC Boots

Thanks to RAIAR for the HG EyeCandy body

Thanks to Exnem for the EyeCandy body

Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion

Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on

Taken from her official website.

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