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Thanks, would you also know the name of the mod which has those timestop things?


Which timestop things? Is it a spell? Something from that video? (I didn't watch it)


edit: Oh, I saw it in the video. I am not sure if it's the same, but it could be Fearsome Magicka.




That's probably the only timestop spell I've ever used.


edit2: Gosh, where did that sonic blade slash thingy comes from? I keep seeing the person in the video kept slashing at thin air and those blade thingy shot out or something.

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It's a combined armor mod - the White Rose Alternates from Dancing Shadow Rose, Relics of Holy Justice, some of Shadowwalker from Tona's Mod Store, a bit of Goddess Armor, even a bit of Heartbreaker from what it looks like, the cape and part of the boots I've seen but don't remember where they are from, and the amulets I can't make out well enough, nor know where they came from.
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Thanks for the bow links.


However I probably should of specified before that these are for a "good" aligned character. The ones you've linked--whilst very cool--seem more evil-styled to me.



the Apachii mod also has a white and gold version of that black bow. It looks "good" aligned.

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I'm looking for a mod which allows me to type the values into the character creation for face shape and all. Is there one (or even a way without a mod) I'm getting a laptop soon with oblivion (i only have xbox) so i'm preparing my self with mods and all.



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Firstly, I was looking for clothing for my Spell-Blade character. Some of Hentai's stuff (Snow Flower, Lovely Suits) looked like they could be what I am looking for. Unfortunately, even though they look like clothing, and are listed under clothing, these sets are light armour. Are there any clothing versions of these out there?


Secondly, I have a `problem' I am sure someone has fixed long before. My inventory is extremely cluttered with configuration tools for mods. I tried using Cobl's `remove quest items' option to put them into The Luggage, but that turned out really bad. Many of the mods (Cobl included!) detected the items `missing' and respawned them, then clones of the respawns started to appear in some cases. With some mods, I had a copy in The Luggage, and three more in my inventory. I am sure this clutter is a common problem, so there has to be a solution out there (even if my experiment failed). What can I do to save my inventory from being cluttered by these things?

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