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I am looking for the mod that has this armor :




Thanks for the help in advance.

Quote from the author:


The armor is a retextured HGEC Steel armor replacer.

Textures came from here : http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20034

Meshes came from here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24194





Damn Dude you are impressive to know what and where right down to the last rivet. Awesome. Thanks for the info.



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I'm looking for a texture for Xenius's Human race, i currently got the Moonshadow Elf textures on, i like them, especially the face texture, but it leaves very noticeable seems at the neck,wrist's and ankles




if possible id want a similar face texture (i like the black around the eyes), but a darker skin texture would b good, but i dont kno any that would fit the character, i have tryed a few others but they dont fit

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When I used to play Everquest, the UI had a feature where you would have set hotkeys for instance 1-0, but you could also hit the alt+2, alt+3, alt+4 which would call up secondary hot key bars. Does anyone know if there is anything like that for Oblivion? Recently I have acquired more spells, poses, an items that I wish to add and there is just no room. I didn't see anything in the UI section, but I figured I would ask in case I missed it.


Thank You,


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Thank you for posting the link, I saw a few today that I had queued to try. I just wasn't sure if they were what I wanted. I figured I would ask here and see if anyone recommended any.


I just looked at some video's, that will do just fine! Thanks again :)

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There's a lot of extended hotkeys like this one : http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18571

(Others can be found just by searching "hotkey")


I'm looking for a texture for Xenius's Human race, i currently got the Moonshadow Elf textures on, i like them, especially the face texture, but it leaves very noticeable seems at the neck,wrist's and ankles




if possible id want a similar face texture (i like the black around the eyes), but a darker skin texture would b good, but i dont kno any that would fit the character, i have tryed a few others but they dont fit


If you have taken the MSE textures to use it on another race there shouldn't be any difference in the texture between the body/face/feet.

But be sure to take ALL the textures from MSE and if necessary add them with TES Construction Set.

(On your picture it looks like you still have hand and feet texture from another race and if the face tone has been changed in the racemenu I don't think the body skintone will match)

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I'm looking for a texture for Xenius's Human race, i currently got the Moonshadow Elf textures on, i like them, especially the face texture, but it leaves very noticeable seems at the neck,wrist's and ankles




if possible id want a similar face texture (i like the black around the eyes), but a darker skin texture would b good, but i dont kno any that would fit the character, i have tryed a few others but they dont fit


If you have taken the MSE textures to use it on another race there shouldn't be any difference in the texture between the body/face/feet.

But be sure to take ALL the textures from MSE and if necessary add them with TES Construction Set.

(On your picture it looks like you still have hand and feet texture from another race and if the face tone has been changed in the racemenu I don't think the body skintone will match)


id havnt edited them at all, i took them straight out of the MSE textures file, renamed them for Xenius human race and placed them in, and thats what came out, i would edit them in TES Construction thingy but i have no clue how to use it lol

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I was looking for an armor mod that I've seen in some screenshots. The armor is a very revealing female armor styled around leaves. Sadly, I can't remember which mod I saw the screenshot on. I looked through as many of the armor mods as I could stand the other day, but couldn't find it. If anyone has any ideas what this one might be and where to get it, that would be greatly appreciated.
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Miniature wall of text ahead.


Regarding the skin problem...

Like Siouliusn said, looks like you have a different texture for hands and feet...might wanna get HGEC or summat, it uses a single skin for hands/body/feet, pretty much kills seams between those. Assuming, of course, that the skin texture you have is HGEC-compatible. I imagine it is.



Bethesta, in their (infinite lack of) wisdom decided to rig either the lighting system or shader system (can't remember which) so that it has a different effect between skin (body) and head.

Edit: found it: specifically, the head, hands, feet and body are rendered as separate objects. Lighting is applied to each independently, instead of to the whole body as one object, and THAT is why we have seams.


Normally this wouldn't be a problem, since with common Caucasian skintones, the seams are somewhat unnoticeable. At certain skintones, the lighting system seems to reach some sort of equilibrium with a given face/skin set, and it can be near-invisible. With clothing that has a collar around the neck, they're completely hidden anyway.

If you work at it, you CAN get the neck seam to be almost completely invisible at whatever tone you choose; I have a Lattamer skin and head set laying around somewhere that I spent a few hours on, it has a practically invisible seam...but again, since there's a difference between the parts, there's an extremely limited range of skincolors that a modified set would have an invisible neck seam before the deviation would become enough that you'd have to adjust the base skins again. Fortunately I'm not one of those people who goes screwing with his character's appearance a lot, and I'm using the lop-eared elves right now anyway.



Anyway, like I said, normal skintones generally aren't a problem. The problem arises when trying to use non-standard or very dark skintones, like you are. Since there's no uniform lighting between the head and body, the skincolor/luminosity sliders affect each part differently, and you come up with...that. Your skins probably match pretty closely with normal skintones - assuming the author of the mod gave a crap about the quality of his work - but with how much you've worked the sliders, there's a huge deviation between the parts now.



How to fix it? Simple: get a program that can read/write texture files (or get DDS Converter, it works excellently), and custom-tone the skin and head tones directly via the textures. That should give you a good base to work with.

If you look, some custom race authors have released "tanned" head/skin sets that handle darker colors better because they're - you guessed it - pre-darkened.


For the above to be effective, you'll probably need to go find someone's savegame that has normal, "neutral" head/skin colors (I used the saves available on the Lattamer v3 page, she has them matched fairly well and the face color sliders are well-set so you have no funkyness like ashy-facedness or wonky facial hair settings; overall smooth facial tones and a near-invisible seam with normal skintones).

Use Oblivion Face Exchange to import the texture effects (ONLY the texture effects) from one of those saves into your own, and then go in-game and fine-tune your facial color settings. Come back out and tweak the base skins as needed...with any luck, you'll get it right the first time, and won't have to come back out to change them.



All in all, it really is a pain in the ass :\ I'm surprised nobody's cracked the file responsible for the head/body difference and fixed it already. Probably afraid of being sued by Bethesta. Bah. lul, really no way around it other than rebuilding half the game engine. Oh well.


Oh, and there's a chance that all of the above is completely wrong. Just been things I've read here and there, and what I've personally experienced...and hey, it worked with the Lattamer set I tweaked. *shrugs*

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