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From what I can tell, NPR/KURESE does use a special race, including textures that appear to be based on Nec's Mystic Dark Elf Remake, but I'm guessing it's likely that there's much more to it, like a special "status effect" spell specifically made to give a better appearance when exposed to light.
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I have been wracking my brain, trying to figure out where this mod is and what it's called. I don't even know who made it. (Sorry, I know I'm not much help)


Basically, the mod is an alter in the imperial city (Talos Plaza, I believe) that allows you to access the change race menu without losing your stats like you do if you access it through the console. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

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I have been wracking my brain, trying to figure out where this mod is and what it's called. I don't even know who made it. (Sorry, I know I'm not much help)


Basically, the mod is an alter in the imperial city (Talos Plaza, I believe) that allows you to access the change race menu without losing your stats like you do if you access it through the console. Anyone know what I'm talking about?


There is actually a way around the stat reset with the console command. Just open the console, and type in "showracemenu". Then do your thing. When your finished DO NOT PRESS the "Done" button. Press ESC to bring up the menu, then save your game. I believe the console needs to be open for you to be able to save it there. Then just load your game. I just tested this, and I changed my male Redguard into a female Wood Elf, while keeping all my stats. I would probably create a new save when you do this. You know, just in case.

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Wow... that´s a really nice character. The face can be probably achieved using Moonelves, Elves of Lineage 2 or any other "prettier" custom races. The skin can probably be tweaked inside the game itself, using something like Chocolate Elves, Nec Mystic High/Dark Elves or Moonelves(Again) may help.


Now, the eyes, hair and forehead "thing", specially the Hair, i'd love to know the source too.


Also, can anyone tell me the mods used for hair, eyes and beard on this pic:



No matter how much I try using the in-game tool to create beards they NEVER looks like beards, and most times I usually end up destroying the color of the character. In fact, is that normal? I mean, most of the time while changing the color of skin and other facial colors, like eyebrows and beard, in the Character Creation Tool, if I mess with the color too much I end up with it being tinted blue or green or a totally unnatural hue that I can't get rid off o matter how much I mess with the sliders. Is that normal? Is there a fix for it somewhere?


Hm, yes. They look indeed like something nec01 would have created, at least from the textures. Thanks, I'll look what I can find. Maybe playing around with nec01's high-rez textures will help. What I definitely know is that the head mesh is not the head06 mesh used by the Moonshadow Elves or any of Xenius' races. Looks kinda like Ren's head to me. Ugh.


Also, about the beards. Have you tried Apachii's Heroes Store? There are some equippable beards / wigs included. I don't think you can make something like a decent looking beard with the facegen sliders because they just *ban me* up the face texture.

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The only thing that has been harder than this was the tribal dragon belly tattoo HGEC(Exnem?) skin texture and I gave up on that after 2 weeks or so.


kittencache: Do you mean this one?


Hey, sorry for slow response, I ran off to test all my mods after a few days of collecting (BOSS ran once and Wyre Bashed with ~100 mods, no errors/crashes/freezes. (Holy freaking crap.)


That one's really pretty but I think I came across it/annexed it into the neverending mod collection - the one I was referring to was a pretty intricate black tribal dragon circling the navel. What threw me off was that the texture it was on seemed to match the quality of the 4000x4000 texture replacers.


I switched to UFF, though, as I couldn't find a set of stock armor replacements (or custom armor for that matter) for Exnem/HGEC/etc honoring sizes smaller than "ginormous" - and, of course, in honor of enjoying that Sinblood Elven Wizard robe set asked about in my post. So I suppose the whole tattoo texture mods are out of reach now, anyway. Unless I sit down and run through some basic mod tutorials.


Thanks though!

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Try number 2:


I'm looking for a mod that adds exnemized equipable tattoos for the ring and/or tail slot.


edit: oh, and also I'm looking for a mod that adds a big*** hammer that would look good on a Paladin type character, some armor that also would, and some hair that is compatible with the vanilla races.

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anyone know what is the name of this armor ? if can , a download link





and this



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