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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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i need to know where to find a wolf head helmet and wolf hide cape/chest peice i saw it in a screenie somewhere thx in advance




edit:if anyone can find some male hairstyles for me it'll glady be appriciated

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I've searched far and wide but can NEVER seem to find the mods at 3:33 or 3:36 of

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!


3:33 looks like it's Kurese's Leere Armor and 3:36 is Butterfly Widow.


I don't remembere Kurese's Blog, which is where you can get the Leere armor... I forgot she combined them. You can find the Leere Armor here http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31341 and butterfly widow here http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19124

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I've searched far and wide but can NEVER seem to find the Khajiit mods at 3:33 or 3:36 of -Youtube Video Snip-

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!


Looks like stock Khajiit with Ren's hair to me.

Could you provide links please?

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Hiya i was just wondering does anyone know what clothing mod this is? i have tried searching for it (dont know the name) but i really want it :biggrin:


any help is appreciated


thanks. :thumbsup:




Oh sorry about how small the pic is i had to make it smaller so i could upload it on here .. :confused:


Been a while since I've seen that pic, where'd you find it? (it's my screenshot btw).


I see Slof has already answered your query though, so I won't repeat things on that front.

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