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that strap is probably photo shopped

i don't think so... since he showed some pics with around 20 guys wearing it...

There may be a mod like that, however that particular picture is undoubtedly heavily photoshopped. Do you see how the strap is flat, like it was cut out of a photo? The light doesn't hit it in the same way as it does on the character. I bet that if you did a google image search for "leather belt" you'd find the picture. (Sorry, my graphic design training is showing. LOL)
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Even in the other picture, the strap is completely different, lays differently (seeming to cut into the armor), and it's the same photoshop artist, I could immediately tell by the headband, who did the image which Moire posted asking about the hair. You can see clearly, at least I could, that the back ringlets were added in photoshop, but hey, wasn't going to argue over it.


@Trashdog I believe I know that mod, I'm looking for it since I downloaded it recently myself.



Edit: I believe it's this one, but if not, this one should do.

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i'm looking for armors like armoured arms... but instead of being only the right arm and the neck being the complete armour except one of the arms... like Cloud's armor in FF7 AC... but don't point that one... lol


thanks in advance


by the way... where can i find a mod that change the sky? i mean... there's a screenshot i'd loved to take but i would like the full moon a little lower... it's too damn high to take the screenshot... the pic stands too stupid in that position... :confused:


at least the whole sky altered... thanks again




i don't want to be annoying... but what is this idle pose? looks pretty great!




The idle pose might be from this mod, the nr.1 onehand idle, or at least it looks very similar to the one in that picture. I guess the angle of the weapon is the only difference. :tongue:

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in response to the person questioning about sky mods..sorry this thing keeps messing up on meh! edit: @ Kdaj




Trying again. OK there are tons of sky changing mods out there...very nice ones with hubble telescope pictures. Just type sky, moons, starts into the Nexus search and they will come up. You can put it in the advanced search also for the description.


Now I do not know of any that change the moons POSITION in the sky only the textures. I am thinking that would be hard but IDK. Using TCL to position yourself differently may help in those shots.

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Hi guys, im currently collecting animations from different mods so im looking for block animations (one and twohanded, maybe staff too);


I know the stylish anims mod has some block idles but maybe there are more mods with block idles around so if you could direct me to them...


oh and i also wanted to know what equipement set is this


thanks in advance!

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