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Shadowmere in the Imperial Legion?


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Seriously. She's a member of the Imperial Legion Faction. Does anyone know why this would be? Can she really be trusted with Dark Brotherhood secrets? I don't know what to think, now. I mean, she's seen things ... you know ... things I don't want the Legion to find out. Maybe that's what's happening when she gets "knocked out" and then disappears. She's not really going back to Fort Farragut. She's finding someone to report to. Is it even safe to sleep, now? Will she eat a poisoned apple if I offer her one?
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I wouldn't know for sure at this point because I haven't gone deep enough into the DB - and I don't even know who Shadowmere is - but perhaps you've discovered a clue about the traitor Ocheeva talks about.


...and about the horse...

Are you thinking of ShadowFAX? He's Gandalf's horse from LOTR. lol

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