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How can I run Fallout 3 without a disc?


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Ok here goes me putting my two sense in.



"Sometimes" not all the time, the "cracked" exe or the No-CD "patch" comes with fixes that the "Official" patches do not.

Look at mass effect 1, it took "pirates" 1 week to fix the no save game issue with a cracked exe. It took Bioware 1 month to release an official patch that fixed the problem.


I buy games, but more often than not the DRM that comes with said games that I buy with my hard earned money prevents me from playing the game or makes it difficult to install/play. This is where cracks and fixes come in.


Are all cracks and fixes safe?


Will the safe ones make things easier for you?


Edited by Darviela
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  • 11 months later...

I bought this game a while back and installed it to games for windows live and then gave the disk to my friend, thinking we could both run it (why i dont know but thats not the point) I think he can run it with the disk but i cant even though ive used the activation code. am I f***ed? or do i need to go loot his house for the disk just so i can play it?

no I haven't pirated the game, i like fallout too much to do this, though I considered downloading a crack and mixing it with my version to see if i can bypass the CD needed, would this work??


EDIT: I just tried to run from fallout3.exe and it did nothing, just a blue spinny thing and yeah, nothing :(

Edited by MarshyMarauder
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  • 4 months later...

I bought this game a while back and installed it to games for windows live and then gave the disk to my friend, thinking we could both run it (why i dont know but thats not the point) I think he can run it with the disk but i cant even though ive used the activation code. am I f***ed? or do i need to go loot his house for the disk just so i can play it?

no I haven't pirated the game, i like fallout too much to do this, though I considered downloading a crack and mixing it with my version to see if i can bypass the CD needed, would this work??


EDIT: I just tried to run from fallout3.exe and it did nothing, just a blue spinny thing and yeah, nothing :sad:



I second this. I own this OLD GAME, the cd version. In fact.. I probably have the CD in my back pocket.. BUT I do not want to put the CD in the drive.. WHY? Starcraft 2 is in there..

I shouldn't have to explain why.. The point is that FOMM and FOSE used to work and I did nothing to my computer or game directory. Its just randomly not working now, telling me I need a disc.


I get the feeling that some sort of hidden update was made, to make CD versions not work anymore with FOMM and Fose..


Yeah, I bought the game and not interested in buying it AGAIN from steam to fix this.. wouldn't that be silly.


If anyone knows a fix let me know. Double clicking the exe yeilds a "you cant play your own game without a CD" error. Besides that is a terrible idea as I depend on fose for the already installed mods.

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  • 1 month later...

Same here. Been years since I last played it and wanted to give it another go. The CD is around ... somewhere ...


Anyhow, running fallout3.exe does not work.


Are you sure it's not the launcher you're trying? that does need a disk, the game itself shouldn't. I don't even know where my disk is and yet have no trouble.

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Once FO3 is installed, you don't need the disk. ( You do need the disk to actually install it though)

FO3 was originally a GFWL (Games for Windows Live) release - but that didn't work out too well. There are several patches to remove that GFWL dependency. Try running the game the first time using the exe file instead of the launcher. That should allow setting up the ini files that need to be set up before you can actually play. Then try launching through the FOSE launcher or the NMM launcher. - Or create a shortcut to however you want to launch it.

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  • 2 months later...

I think the only reason I'd want to launch the launcher without a disc is to enable/disable the options that itself, only has. switching the game out of the drive is frustrating to me tbh.

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  • 9 months later...



why not use the no-dvd start program that Bethesda so thoughtfully provided us on the retail distribution disk


as previously stated in this thread

just run directly from the fallout3.exe.


I think you are narrow minded to think that everyone is pirating this game. I came to this thread because I have the same issue and I am looking for answers, but my computer will not recognize my for some reason. It will read disc 2 and not disc 1. So I have the original disc, which I paid for with my own money, but I can't run the game. I thought you were supposed to be the moderator, not the one creating negative comments.

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why not use the no-dvd start program that Bethesda so thoughtfully provided us on the retail distribution disk


as previously stated in this thread

just run directly from the fallout3.exe.


I think you are narrow minded to think that everyone is pirating this game. I came to this thread because I have the same issue and I am looking for answers, but my computer will not recognize my for some reason. It will read disc 2 and not disc 1. So I have the original disc, which I paid for with my own money, but I can't run the game. I thought you were supposed to be the moderator, not the one creating negative comments.


Sorry, my first time on this forum and I accidentally replied to the wrong comment. That was supposed to be for the moderator who was accusing the guy of piracy.

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  • 4 months later...

Same thing happened to me. I have been playing for months running without the disc in the drive. Then today, Securom demands the disc be inserted. Worrying. All the suggestions posted in this thread do not work. The only thing is to dig out the original box and insert the disc as demanded. Fortunately I knew exactly where to find it, but I might not have done.

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