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Official Skyrim Trailer!


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The trailer was just breath taking. I mean WOW!!!! The music, the narrator! the dragon SHOUT!!! made me have goosebumps!!


For all 360 fans, the in game footage IS taken from an xbox 360. it has been verified.


Anybody else? the dragon shout was like OOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!



most muti-platform games are usually show 360 footage. not because it runs it the best but because its the weakest system of the 3 (pc,ps3,360). it gives people the idea of what the engine can do, if the weakest systems looks like this imagine what the PC will look like.

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Good thing that I washed a ton of laundry last weekend, I needed to change my undies after watching that trailer. :pinch:

Phew, I thought I was the only one!


The trailer was truly epic. I vote GOTY at release!

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For the DA2 reference at least to me but at 1:44 of the Official Trailer it looks like the PC killed Hawke (Even though I know it was a bandit or something.) I don't know if anyone else seen the resemblance but it looked like it to me at least. Though I'm still getting DA2. But this looks sheer awesome, yes I said sheer, Kill the sheep. Also "By the Nine Divines we've got a Game of the Year on the loose." Seems now theres fluid combat, Yeah!
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does someone has the GameSpot HD trailer (120MB version) can someone please upload it on direct download link? (b'coz its the best trailer file out there..)

It can't be any better than Bethesda's.





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