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The Poetry Game


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Lazily the river flows

With each tributary grows

Heavy and slow, full of lethargy

Asleep, almost, devoid of energy.


Lulled to safety we allow ourselves to drift

No alarm raised, yet the current grows swift

The waterfall catches us unaware

Over the edge we go, we can but stare


Like a xylophone the water plays the rocks

We do our best to absorb the shocks

But still something to test our mettle

The pool they call the Devil's Kettle


The waters boil and swirl and rage

Around teeth-like rocks, sharpened with age

We can but try our best

To survive this final test

Smooth again the waters close

How many tried to pass and failed no one knows

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Urgh! I am having the devil's own job getting onto the forum today!


Theta I may pass the diarrhoea - if you get me. It takes time to think and time is in short supply until next month.


However I threw off a little pome (sic) specially for you, as Dark0ne says you like things like faeries and their ilk. I suppose it comes of having your own little cherubs.


The Opportunity


From out of the deep blue sea,

A mermaid sang so free

"Come down to the coral, the rocks and the pearls

And join in life's dance with me."


The tune broke the silent sky

And lifted my heart on high.

So I stared through the ripples, the eddies, the whirls

To find where the maid might lie.


Then all at once she was there.

The wind whipping through her hair.

"I'm so much more fun than your dour human girls,"

She said. "And I am so fair.


Come play in my sea-green hall."

I resisted the siren's call.

I wouldn't be trapped by her smile or her curls.

Such transient beauties pall.


Her smile I cannot forget.

And her song leaves me in her debt.

I behaved just like one of your regular churls.

And that's something I'll e'er regret.

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wind, silent, hall, blue




Shades of traumerei


A Silent Hall beside a Blue lake

stands in its ancient serenity

a soft Wind sighs as if to awake

what long ago faded into memory


what was has become as ashes and rust

and faded to nothing as though

but smoke from a lamp, crumbled to dust

more than eight hundred years ago


life and laughter are dead and gone

with the toil and the pain and tears

here let them remain beneath the stone

kept forever behind time's veil of years




or alternatively, if you find those too easy:

hippopotamus, diarrhoea, cornucopia, magnetism


These have a certain familarity.

*refrains from copying original effort*




The Flatulent Waterhorse


A Hippotamus with Diarrhoea

broke Wind at the county zoo

he had an animal Magnetism

but well liked or not that wouldn't do


the 'cornucopia' of myth is always full

but no more full than the hippo you see

so the keeper called a veterinarian

who fed him a barrel of 'Immodium D'




Now for pity's sake

Theta, give us a break

I don't know how much more

of those words I can take : D: D

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The deadly wind blows from the west

Silently it kills

We live, yet are dead like the rest

Fled to the hills

There is no sanctuary from this fall

Out of a blue sky

We abandoned city and hall

Waiting to die

We have come to envy the dead

Over in a flash

By our own hopes we were misled

All turned to ash.

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My first poem...ever actually. I hope everyone enjoys it




A gentle breeze flowing through her hair


Walking through the hall to the stair


Leading a path unknown she screams


A silent breath of blue air


"Why must I go on with this life unfair?"


An answer she awaits for her time is surely near


Climbing up into the tower she finds it clear


She must get out by the wind in her hair



-- Lethmoraa --

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purple, lemonade, messenger, bard


a mediocre messenger

I am not fit to play the bard

a poem with 'purple' and 'lemonade'

I find to be too hard


just to continue the poetry game

I will attempt it this one time

but you will find no purple passage

in the midst of this doggerel rhyme

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