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NPC weapons


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If they're an actual partner (e.g. CM Partners, Vilja etc) you can just ask them to share and check it's condition. If this is an NPC you've created yourself in the CS it's a bit more problematic. Although it doesn't specifically say so in the UESP Wiki Console Command page, I think if you click your NPC to get their refID to the top of the screen then 'removeitem 00027105' then follow that with 'additem 00027105' you should remove their old broken down Goldbrand and then give them a new shiny one.


Another alternative (one that I use myself on an Umbra clone that I 'createfullactorcopy'ed at Pells Gate and use as a 'filled black soul gem factory') is to console 'kill' them, open the body's inventory and take out Goldbrand. Buff it up and put it back into the body's inventory and then 'resurrect 1' them back to life. Sometimes an NPC's AI doesn't update right away afterwards, so you may need to leave the cell and re-enter to get them going again.


A way to tell if an enchanted weapon is empty is look for the glow on it (if it's gone it's empty). That won't help you determine partial charge though, it could be down to one hit left and still glow fine.

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Striker, thanks. I've been doing that first option, and run a batch file from the console to replace Donton's Goldbrand before we enter combat. It's a hassle to remember, so I was gonna increase the sword's health and enchantment (and/or reduce its usage cost, if that's possible) via the CS... but I don't know it that will cause any game problems.


I've given him Varla stones but so far he hasn't used them. If I bump up one of his skills will he start recharging his own equipment?

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I haven't had much luck with my 'extra NPCs' using much other than restore health spells if they're a bit 'mage-ish' or restore health potions (give them -1 in the CS so they don't run out ... that's unlimited). Your mileage may vary ... updates welcome.


Just had a peek in the CS ... here's something to try. On the AI Package menu there's a 'Use Item At' option (top right if you're editing a current package beside 'Package Type'). I use it for PewterMug01 when I want to let them blow off a little steam (well a couple may have a problem with it ... let's not go there ... they got their inspiration from Skjorta). In the drop down box under Any Object - Object ID on the Target tab I see Varla Stone listed. Give Donton -1 Varla Stones in his inventory and once a day schedule a 'Use Item At' with the Varla Stone target. Worth a try.

Edited by Striker879
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