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mods to facilitate a build.


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OK I've been wanting to do a very specific type of thief playthrough. definatley not one that belongs with the guild. He's based on a thief from Ace Attorney and his MO is to steal information and secrets regarding corrupt dealings within various orginizations (the Jarls, Empire, Stormcloaks, the guard, the guilds, Black- Briars, Silver-Bloods that sort of thing) and expose this i nformation to the pubolic so for a less o bvious example. If a Jarl is involved in some corrupt or uneth ical activity his goal wo uld be to find evidance on this and expose it to the local populace same with the local guard or deeply entrenched orginizations like guilds or b usinesses. he sees exposing the truth and using it to empower and free the populace as his top priority. Im also mulling over giving him and his "partners in crime" a collective secret identity of osme sort. actually being an orginization that masquerades as a single phntom thief.


Unfortunately most thief charactars seem to really rely on the guild and he's not really guild materiel becuase of his own ethics and code of honor. Being diametrically opposed to people like the Black-Briars. So far I use Sneak Tools and I'm thinking of using Guild Starter b ut I'm not sure. he's also going to have a laire. soemthing that's advanced. maybe something hi-tech or magic based. and I'm also working on what if any Gods he acknowledges. perhaps Zenithar, Julianos, maybe Nocturnal I don't know.


Anyway any thoughts?

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