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Banishment Clarification


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So the Nexus cops are now following us around the internet to see what we're doing elsewhere now? *sigh*

"Nexus cops" don't have time to follow anyone. The Staff here simply respond to the reports that are brought to our attention.


And reports of unauthorized materials being hosted (or sources for same being mentioned) or linked to, get our attention every time.

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For purposes of interpersonal sharing, would a password-protected page count as "non public" enough? I mean, some mods are too big to email.

Totally NOT allowed under the ToS. (The Nexus is not your personal file storage and transfer service. :tongue: )


Extract of relevant portion from the the ToS:


•Do not upload files that are password protected or contain password protected sections.


Any files uploaded to the Nexus have to meet the ToS, and be made available for public access, which is exactly why the kind of file you're taking about can't be placed here. :laugh:

That's referring to uploading to the nexus, though.

Uploading password-protected files to the Nexus was what evilneko was asking about.

No, it wasn't. He was referring to uploading it to a third party site if it's too big to email.

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I suggest exemptions for abandoned and orphaned mods - If the modder hasn't updated the mod in over a year, better yet hasn't logged in within that time frame, then the mod has been abandoned; use of assets shouldn't be a bannable offense, but it should be if the user does not comply with the original modder's desires if he/she decides to speak up. Orphaned mods is when the modder is in a state where he or she is impossible to contact (deceased, banned, no known contact info from anyone including staff, etc.) and assumed that they can no longer manage their mods. If seen as orphaned, people who want to make a mod using assets from that mod only need to meet the requirement of mentioning where the assets came from or who created them in the credits. As for mods that were originally hosted and removed from Nexus? They should be watched very closely instead of quick removal in order to determine a proper course of action, primarily by immediately contacting the original modder and informing them of the re-upload, asking to state the reason of original removal of the mod, and opinions on what action should be taken. If there's no response in three months, or if the modder has no qualms with the re-upload, then it can be considered in the clear for now.


What I think it comes down to is that if someone wants to share something that they like, but they can't, and the reason being because the person who made it can't be contacted or is unknown to meet permission requirements, the banhammer's a bit of a harsh action to take. But, due to the changed permissions requirements, it seems that Nexus doesn't want to mediate unintended misunderstandings that could occur with redistributed mods despite knowing the uploader had good intentions... Must we be so untrustworthy to all uploaders?

Edited by ziitch
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For purposes of interpersonal sharing, would a password-protected page count as "non public" enough? I mean, some mods are too big to email.

Totally NOT allowed under the ToS. (The Nexus is not your personal file storage and transfer service. :tongue: )


Extract of relevant portion from the the ToS:


•Do not upload files that are password protected or contain password protected sections.


Any files uploaded to the Nexus have to meet the ToS, and be made available for public access, which is exactly why the kind of file you're taking about can't be placed here. :laugh:

That's referring to uploading to the nexus, though.

Uploading password-protected files to the Nexus was what evilneko was asking about.

No, it wasn't. He was referring to uploading it to a third party site if it's too big to email.

Well then, Dark0ne was equally confused, (see his post at the top of the page.) He had just clarified that the prohibition on sharing of material one did not have explicit permission to distribute did NOT apply to "one-to-one between friends". In other words, that if it came to his attention that someone had done so, that would not constitute a violation of the Nexus ToS, and would not result in any adverse action toward the person doing the sharing as regards their status here.


And ALL this was in response to the query about the Nexus taking advrse action if it came to our attention that a member was PUBLICLY sharing UNAUTHORIZED materials from their own site, or providing links to places that do.


Evilneko's request was to use a password to protect a file uploaded HERE to share with someone exactly because the item being shared was not authorized, but was "too big for email". (And I don't see her jumping in to say "Yeah, I meant 'elsewhere'". And she's usually pretty good about defending her own point of view.)

Edited by Thandal
typos and punctuation.
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Oh, sorry. If he did mean that it's pretty silly then. Why would you use the nexus to give a file to one person when you could use a site like mediafire or megaupload...

THAT, is a very good question! :laugh:

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That was me that said "I meant elsewhere."


I actually do not have any mods on the nexus (well, I did upload one or two as an attachment to a post in the mod request forum a long time ago) and probably won't as most of my modding effort goes to tweaking (in some cases heavily, some are now more "mine" than "theirs") mods for story or convenience purposes.


Anyway the main reason I keep persisting on this issue is because I do get asked about certain mods a lot and it's a lot easier for me point people to a url than email them every time. (I've gotten at least a dozen requests for one in particular, some from here some from elsewhere, probably because I'm known to be a packrat keeping all my mod zip files) A password-protected page on my site should qualify as "non public" enough for such purposes I think.


(tbh I think the whole thing's pretty silly, mods are essentially open source and should be treated as such)

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@ Neko They are NOT open source. Especially ones that contain the authors own models, textures, and writing. There's a difference between freeware and open source. The "source" is usually not given, ei no .psd, .obj, etc files (there are exceptions). You can't just assume the author is ok with it. Personally I wouldn't upload any models or textures I made myself if I thought people would just assume its open source and take my hardwork for their own.


@Ziitch that whole post is just erksum.... No no no and no. You can't just take people's unique artistic creations and borrow them without asking.

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So what you're saying is that it should be all about modders' rights and not even a thought about modders' responsibilities? That the staff should not give them a heads-up when their file has been uploaded or re-uploaded without their permission, let alone ask for their opinion on the situation?


If I took down one of my mods right now, and it resurfaced under the name of another modder with me in the credits on the next day, should I care that someone actually liked my mod so much that they were upset about my decision and re-uploaded it? Should Nexus immediately take down the mod or should they contact me about it first?


It shouldn't be all about modders' rights - Don't forget that the modder must be responsible to not just maintain their mods and assets, but should also be responsible for giving their reaction when a mod or assets of theirs has been re-uploaded or re-used without permission, and to explain the reason of the decision if there is a resulting negative reaction.

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Moder's responsibilities? How about the responsibility of the user to ask first? It's not hard and if you don't get a response, just like in dating, the answer is no.


You have that ability Ziitch. Just put in your mod description, "Free to reuse/reupload, just give me credit". There's your responsibility all covered and done, and no moderators had to do extra work tracking mod makers down and playing middle man.

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