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DrunkenGamer's Sig Display


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I make sigs for a hobby. I make them a lot. So I figured I'd just make one topic to showcase them all, instead of making another topic for every time I make a new one.


So here they are. They are put in the order I've finished them in.


Will also take requests.





Gundam Unicorn VS Banshee






Keeley Hazell



A Zealot from Starcraft 2



Korean singer IU



Fallout 3






Terran Ghost (Current)


Edited by DrunkenGamer
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Actually, I didn't even think that it was made in Paint up until now.

I just noticed the bleeding on the text from saving things in Paint. Sigs aren't about good or bad looking, complicated or not, it's about what you want.


Just like normal art.


And sure, I'll do it. Nothing specific, or can I just do what I want?

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ok well either you or Hellsmaster (because he said he does sigs too) are free to work on my sig if you want to. im pretty open to what it is, not a lot of demands. here is the picture:




like im said im very open to whats done with the picture (hell if you know of a better picture of the Starcraft 2 Immortal then by all means use that one instead lol, sadly i couldnt find much and its my favorite unit, but maybe as the artist you know of a better place to get pictures, idk)


all it needs to say is hoof_hearted4 somewhere, anywhere you think looks good.


i was unsure if i wanted to add additional text, but if you feel like you can add a quote and make it look good then thats great. as for the quote, im not picky either. anythin from this page works:




those are the quotes from the Immortal in game. litterally anything works, or nothing at all. you have free creative control over this project who ever decides to do it


thank you in advance!! :thumbsup:

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Actually, I didn't even think that it was made in Paint up until now.

I just noticed the bleeding on the text from saving things in Paint. Sigs aren't about good or bad looking, complicated or not, it's about what you want.


Just like normal art.


And sure, I'll do it. Nothing specific, or can I just do what I want?


Nothing specific, except perhaps with a STALKER dude on the right hand side. Everything else is up to you.

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