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Name: Legion (Truly : Garret Dragovich)


Gender: Male


Age: 32


Race: "Scarface" mod but caucasian


Combat Style:Tactical/Assault


Specialties: Survival of "The Great Division"


Weaknesses: His past


Likes: to get his burn scar removed, killing his enemies


Dislikes: What hopeville came to....


Wants: His mother back, Hopeville to be restored


Fears:Anyone with a bigger gun than his


Friendly Factions: NCR


Enemy Factions: Legion, Powder Gangers


Companions: None, takes solo operations


Love interest?: Kiki, a friend that he rescued From Hopevilles division


Parents: Paul Dragovich and Kar-ka-shi Dragovich


Early life: Orphaned, couldnt make it in life around Hopeville before "The Great Division" occured


Teen years: Joined teh military for most of his life, after his mother died from a cold killer named "Benny" working in New Vegas


Quote: Person:"Why do they call you legion if your with the NCR?"

Legion:"Because half of mah face is as red as there asses are when i'm through with them.


Bio: Legion was born in Hopeville (now the divide) and lived with his parents as an only child, he grew up with Kiki Cameron (his soon-to-be-bride). after 23 years of hopeville they wanted to see more of the world.

But the earthquakes became worse and the Hopeville as we knew it, was gone. Legion unforunatly had half his face burned and scared in the collapse after landing in a Hobo trash-can fire. Legion and Kiki escaped from the collapse with a vertibird (Since Legion was in the military at this time). So Legion and Kiki escaped to Goodsprings so they could start a new life.... together.

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Name: Levishadow



Race: Human

Combat Style: Infiltration, Stealth, Sabotage, Assasination

Specialties: Sniping, Bombing,


Likes: Guns, Cars, Laughing at People, kicking hobo's

Dislikes: Rules, Police, Government, drugs. smoking

Wants: nothing


Friendly Factions: none

Enemy Factions: all

Companions: none

Love interest?: not really

Parents: shot down when I fled the country

Early life: worked as a bounty hunter and assassin of the wastes

Teen years: Dropped out of school and led a healthy life

How did he/she become a courier?: Invitation

Quote: "Actions Speak Louder Than Words"

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Name:Michael McLellan (Just named him after myself, not very creative).




Combat Style:Guns

Specialties:Guns, Medicine, Barter

Weaknesses:Melee and unarmed

Likes:Helping people


Wants:To live life

Fears:The harm of loved ones

Friendly Factions:NCR

Enemy Factions:Legion


Love interest?:Sunny Smiles

Parents:Abusive father but loving mother

Early life:Worked as a travelling medic and nurse

Teen years:Unhappy teen years in poverty but survived

How did he/she become a courier?:Side job to help pay for needs.

Quote:"Hope for the best but expect the worse"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name :Viqram

Gender : Male

Race : Caucasian

Combat style: Guns & Energy ( Plasma )

Specialties : Guns, Speech, Barter, and Science

Weakness : Unarmed & Explosives

Likes : Anything that is related to Enclave Tech, Plasma, and Cowboys

Dislikes : Cazadors, Deathclaw, anything that want to kill him

Fears : Death

Friendly Faction : NCR, Followers of the Apocalypse, and Boomers

Enemy Faction : Ceaser's Legion

Companion : Veronica, Boone, Niner, Arcade, and Bradley

Love Interest : Non ( anti sexual )

Parents : Still alive in the west

Early life : Just normal life in the waste

Teen years : Get lost in the middle of nowhere only with his leather backpack and 10m pistol

How did he/she become a courier : Needs caps for a living

Quote : " Keep moving backward if you wanna live"

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Name: John
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Race: Caucasian
Combat Style: Cowboy, mainly with his revolver and shotgun. Also good with a sniper.
Specialties: Sniping, driving, explosives, guns
Weaknesses: Lung diseases galore from the Sierra Madre, the Divide storms, etc.
Likes:Guns, revenge, being a father figure

Dislikes: The way the world is.
Wants: To make the world a better place, one bounty at a time.
Fears: Losing the people he loves
Friendly Factions: NCR, Great Khans, Brotherhood of Steel, Followers of the Apocalypse.
Enemy Factions: Legion, all raiders.
Companions:Willow, Niner, Desmond, Jocelyn, Christine, Raul, Desmond, Veronica, Cass
Love interest?: Christine (Yeah, the girl from Dead Money.
Parents: Killed by the Bishops gang.
Early life: Rough, seeing as his child's mother was a prostitute and left him. He got by being a boxer.
Teen years:In a street gang.

How did he/she become a courier?: After him and his daughter escaped from the Bishops Mafia in Reno, (John was a boxer and he beat one of their members) him and his daughter, Hayley (19 y/o) fled to the Mojave where he did odd jobs and became a courier. One of his missions went wrong, he was carrying some secret data for a private military firm, and got ambushed by them. He got away, but his daughter got killed. He made a grave bordered with pistols in the middle of the desert. Then he did his last job before his contract was up, and got shot in the head by Benny. The rest... Well, that's a different story.

Quote: "Everyone dies, eventually you have to let go"

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Seems Like a Fun Forum Game, Lets see If i can think of something Good


Name: Justyn Zander

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Race: Caucasian - German
Combat Style: "Use More Gun"
Specialties: Very Friendly (good Speech skill), Animal Friend, Shotgun surgeon,
Weaknesses: Suffers from Nyktophobia, bad at Sneaking
Likes: Animals, Justice, Shotguns, Desert Eagles, Mini-guns,
Dislikes: Injustice,Evil in General,
Wants: a Peaceful World, or atleast a Peacefull place to Live in

Karma: Very Good (Neutral Good)
Fears: Nyktophobia (Fear of Darkness),
Friendly Factions: Kings,Follower of the Apocalypse, House, Friendly in General with most Fractions
Enemy Factions: Legion, Powder Gangsters,
Companions: Always has a Dog Named Ben Around him (Gameplay wise: Rex & lilly)
Love interest?: Has a Crush on Sarah Weintraub & Red Lucy
Parents: Unknown

Early life: mostly Always Lived around Freeside, life was rather good

Teen years: Helped the Kings and Follower in anyway Possible to make Freeside Safer

How did he become a courier?: Wanted to make a little Money with the Job as a Courier, Planned to Give a Small amount of his Income the Followers


well, its Short but Nice, think that's Alright

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This is Theresa:



Theresa Miller

Age: 200 years as of June 30, 2182 (my version is a recon and condensed version of Fallout Lore)

Race: Caucasian semi-vampire

Occupation: Teacher of Golconda, defender of the weak, profiteer of the evil ones

Karma: Chaotic Good, generally merciful


Theresa Miller was embraced into the World of Darkness at 28, presumably by a Ventrue. Repulsed by everything about vampire life in the Camarilla, she fled and achieved Golconda and regained her full humanity within a year and a half of her embrace. She mourned for no one as one by one the World of Darkness creatures faded into nothing: the Fey died, the Umbra shriveled, the Werewolves destroyed themselves in a self-inflicted apocalypse and the Mages lost all there powers. f*#@ em all. Then the vampires went into their Gehenna, the slow, uneven rot they called the Wormwood. She helped many of the vampires as they languished in their final days. The world was finally and forever free from mystical crap, and then the Resource Wars began.


In her personal, public and real life, she was a financier par excellence, and publisher of the great book of personal enlightenment: Seeking Golconda: The Path of Humanity and the Liberation It Brings. It was considered one of the finest populist apologies for human dignity, broadly Judeo-Christian righteousness, and the inherent goodness of all humanity. It also destroyed the cohesion of the Camarilla by telling neonates in only the thinnest of veils all the important steps of shaking off undeath. Both were equally important, for Golconda is enlightenment of vampire condition, which in turn requires an understanding of the human condition. She was also a trusted family freind to the Houses, and helped Robert House raise the start up funds for Robco. She was disappointed in his desire only to save Las Vegas, and spent much of her fortune in charity work across the raged US.


But Golconda is wonky (more or less mandated by 3rd edition rules), so whiloe she was flying from Vegas to the Seirra Madre grand opening, the war broke out, he plane crashed in the desert. She should have died, but instead she went into vampiric torpor, then awoke 90 years later, aged regressed. Power wise she's something like a damphyr, although those powers wax and wane as she feeds. When she found out that the sun hadn't been taken from her again (a fate worse than death, worse than Hell), she got her barrings, and then founded the Divide. After that incident, she was shell shocked and took to being a courier to walk the earth, to help those in need, and to kill the mutant critters that endanger the good folks so much. She even let the Think Tanks live, a thing I still can't believe. The Golconda is wonky thing enrages her to no end: she hates vampirism, it was like being raped for her, and she wants nothing to do with it.


She fights the good fight: the restoration of the pre-war world, the America she grew up in, and raised her children in, the America you and I would recognize. She plans on ghouling House, so she can save him from his own madness. Justice and mercy are her watchwords: she, like Raoul has a long history of hunting those who prey upon the weak. She is an enemy of the raiders, of the Legion, of the powder gangers, of all who stand in the way of America, but they won't know it until it's too late. She thinks she can save the Vault 19 Powder gangers, the Khans, the Brotherhood, the families. She assumes no one is evil, because her stint as a vampire purged her of categoricalism. She never drank human blood, and her only crimes in that time were in relation to topping off on livestock (not even sickening them). But she will do HORRIBLE things to the unrepentant. Her tools are usually a BAR,a 45, and a sniper rifle. A master of stealth and surprise, she generally travels alone. This lets her feed in a warzone without issue.


She is currently sleeping with Willow, but she's made it clear it's just fun. Her heart belongs to her long dead husband. a Glasswalker Metis of human decent named Arthur Schwebel, who like her had no time or tolerance for the supernatural ghetto. She has powers, but specifically doesn't use them except for healing, although stimpacks work on her too. If she doesn't turn over Nevada to the NCR, she will keep Nevada in trust until they are ready to take Nevada on Nevada's terms. After all, if you're rebuilding America, you need to make sure you are rebuilding it RIGHT. And that is why Theresa Miller was turned into a vampire over Labor Day weekend 2010: so she could be alive to when she was needed to rise to the status of a heroine.

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  • 3 months later...

http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/182/5/c/alicia_fnv_by_jeremius310-d6bjcno.jpgDo not have apic or anything yet, but:


Name: Alicia


Race: Caucasian


Age: 28


Skills: Energy Weapons, Repair, Science, Survival


Occupation: Courier, "Prospector", Bounty Hunter, Hero.


Story: Alicia was born to a renegade Enclave soldier. They moved around lot because of her family's connections. She lost her mother to raiders when she was 16. She picked up the gun her mother had and killed the raiders in a blind rage. That was when her blackouts began. She became a bounty hunter but was thrown out at 24 when she kept killing bounties instead of bringing them back alive. she then became a courier for two months when she met a girl known only as "Talon".


Talon and Alicia became best friends, especially since Alicia was lesbian and Talon was bi-sexual. They pair traveled and scavenged most of the tech they could find. a couple years after that, She and Talon ended up splitting and going their separate ways. Alicia then went back to her old job as a courier.The next two years were spent travelling, meeting and 'befriending' people, and doing simple courier jobs, until she got a mysterious package that would change her life...


Now she finds herself in a war over the Mojave, and the innocent people are caught in the crossfire.

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Name: Bradley Autumn JR


Gender: Male


Age: 23 goin' on 24


Race: Caucasian


Combat Style: mid to long-ranged weapons


Specialties: energy weapons and sniper rifles


Weaknesses: melee weapons


Likes: his gauss rifle, his comrades, Mr Cuddlesworth, Colonel Autumn and good ol' US-of-A


Dislikes: NCR, Caesar's legion, Mr House, feral ghouls, communism, his commanding officer.


Wants: to take over the Mojave and claim it as an Enclave state (the "New Enclave")


Fears: super mutants, malfunctioning robots, Ulysses (what? he's a scary guy!), White Glove Society


Friendly Factions: Brotherhood of Steel, Enclave*, Followers of the Apocalypse, Freeside, the Strip, Boomers, Novac, Goodsprings.

Enemy Factions: NCR, Legion, Great Khans, Powder Gangers, White Glove Society


Companions: Boone, Veronica, Cass, Raul, Lily, ED-E, Rex, Roxy*, Willow*, Mr Cuddlesworth*, AlChestBreach*, Enclave soldier(s)*


Love interest?: Willow



Parents: Colonel Augustus Autumn, Science officer Lisa Autumn (the best i could think of)


Early life: Bradley was born in the year 2258 and raised in Raven Rock. his mother was a scientist, and an extremely devoted woman to the Enclave way of life. his father on the other hand didn't see things the same way. Lisa always tried to get Brad to see things the "Enclave way" but Augustus always fought against it, attempting to make Brad see things his way. Lisa was loyal to President Eden, and thus, wanted to follow through with the traditional Enclave plan to wipe out all traces of mutation, but Augustus wanted to simply shape the Enclave into heroes and retake the wasteland, offering medical help and domestic aid to all residents of the wasteland, be they man, ghoul, mutant or otherwise.


Teen years: he began his training in Raven Rock at age 13, and learned how to use basic energy weapons and guns. by 14 he was able to properly handle grenades and other small explosives. by age 16, he owned his own fully functional suit of Advanced Power Armour Mark I, and he knew how to use it quite well. when he was 17, he finally finished his training and was posted to Adam's AFB to serve with the Sigma Squad on dangerous missions across the Capital Wasteland and the surrounding states. on one mission that he was sent on in Fairfax, his team was tasked with eliminating a prominent raider presence in the area, and much to his surprise, lost most of his squad members, leaving only him and one other soldier alive. when he was 19, he was relocated back to Raven Rock for the prestigious honor of becoming the President's bodyguard. on the 14th of september, 2077, his mother and many of his friends and comrades were killed in the destruction of Raven Rock, caused by the Lone Wanderer and he was evacuated with his father and sent back to Adam's AFB. a week later, Brad watched from afar as a giant robot accompanied by the Lone Wanderer and the Capital Wasteland BoS approached the Jefferson Memorial. with his father dead, he no longer had any reason to stay in the Capital Wasteland, and so he left his power armor in front of the Washington Monument, leaving behind a note titled "For my father" inside the helm and headed west, toward California. he made his way out of Washington half a week before the Lone Wanderer destroyed Adam's AFB and annihilated what was left of the Enclave in the Capital Wasteland. he passed through the Midwest, meeting with a chapter of the Brotherhood that was very different to the group he saw in Washington, but didn't stay for very long. he traveled through Legion territory, wisely avoiding the legionaries. eventually, he made it to California...


How did he/she become a courier?: Brad signed himself up with the Mojave Express to try and escape his past and was given the task of delivering a strange package from Navarro to the Divide. it was strange. he'd never seen or even heard of Navarro, but the place was so familiar and when he saw the markings on the package, he knew straight away where he was. he traveled to the Divide and delivered the package, and shortly afterward, he indirectly destroyed the Divide. he had enough money to settle down in California, but he was asked to deliver one final package to the Strip. shortly afterward, he encounters Benny at Goodsprings and is shot in the head. after a few weeks of seeing what the different factions were, he eventually started to dislike the NCR, and when he heard about the Enclave's fate in California through an old man at Jacobstown, he started to hate them. then, almost by coincidence, Brad is contacted by an old friend from Washington, who explains that he was rescued from Adam's AFB by a California Enclave rescue squad. the holotape then says that the Enclave are still strong, however they're spread out, and they require someone of influence to unite them back into a force comparably strong as they were back in California, back when they were at the peak of their power. and so begins the tale of Bradley Autumn JR, the new Enclave General with a plan to free the Mojave from the NCR, Legion and Mr House and take over the wastelands...

Edited by PaladinRhombus10
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  • 4 weeks later...

name: Hope


gender: female


age: 17? (she doesn't keep track of years)


race: caucasian mixed with japanese ("she" race used as a base)


combat style: stealth-heavy designated marksman


specialties: mid-to-long range rifles, stealth, and punching


weaknesses: bullets?


likes: the road, nuka cola, not being shot at, sneaking up on people and catching them by surprise, dark places (easier to sneak)


dislikes: drugs (all of them), caesar's legion (though she pronounces it the way it should be), NCR, raiders, people who don't tell her what she should know


Friendly factions: Followers of the apocalypse, freeside, great khans, the strip, boomers, novac, goodsprings, primm, (non-hostile dlc factions).


neutral factions: NCR (lesser evil), the three main groups on the strip, house, BOS


hostile factions: everything not stated


companions: boone, veronica (for obvious reasons beyond faction ties)


love interests: none


parents: biological are dead, a ghoul that called himself sǐ shēn (grim reaper) as a "legal guardian"


early life/teen years: she was an orphan from the divide. parents died in a raider attack on a caravan to NCR territory, and she was hidden before the attack could start. She was taken in by a ghoul who had been a dragoon prior to the great war, and came about the remains of the caravan after the raiders left. The ghoul taught her every thing she knows about stealth, survival, combat, and marksman-ship, and then one day left without another word.


how did she become a courier: she just kinda fell into it, one day she was wandering the wasteland and found a dead man on the side of the road with a wrapped package and a note in hand. the note, along with mention of the mojave express (a group which she had heard of prior, but never dealt with personally), stated the package was bound for a man in broken hills. after about 10 minutes on contemplating what she would do next, she picked up the package and walked to the nearest town (which happened to be New Reno) and took it to a mojave express building that was on the outskirts of the town. after a long conversation with the clerk, who was surprised to see the package again in the hands of a person who he had never even heard of. after hope finished talking, he asked her if she would deliver the package, and offered to pay her when the job was done. hope agreed after a minute of silent contemplation, and thus began her life as a courier.

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