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Has there been any information released regarding potential platforming abilities for Skyrim? I know the acrobatics skill was removed, which makes this doubtful, but seeing as Skyrim is such a mountainous environment, basic climbing at least makes sense. Probably wall running and swinging from objects is too much to ask... but climbing, hanging, and cliff-walking?


Anyone know?

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I think we need something to help us get over those large mountains.In Oblivion the mountains weren't all that big, and yet they were still near impossible to climb unless you like walking sideways.It would be nice to have something to allow us to more easily traverse the mountainous terrain.But, honestly, I seriously doubt it, I would be quite surprised if a mechanic like that was present in Skyrim.For now, the most we can hope for is a lot of trails and paths that run through the mountains.
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Acrobatics needed to be removed imo. It was just too cheap to max acro and jump 15 feet in the air on top of a building and fire arrows at poor npcs who couldn't even fight back.


Just because a skill has the same name doesn't mean it has to keep the same functionality. Rather than increasing jump height, leveling acrobatics could allow new moves (such as those listed). Moot point I suppose.

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I don't think platforming will be a major part of the game. It doesn't fit with the Elder Scrolls type of open world, and if they had some ingenious new system to handle it they'd have bragged about it by now.
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Acrobatics needed to be removed imo. It was just too cheap to max acro and jump 15 feet in the air on top of a building and fire arrows at poor npcs who couldn't even fight back.


Just because a skill has the same name doesn't mean it has to keep the same functionality. Rather than increasing jump height, leveling acrobatics could allow new moves (such as those listed). Moot point I suppose.


Right, Bethesda said that they weren't just removing the skills, that they were merging them with other skills.It would be easy to add sneak and acrobatics to one skill, and considering that the attributes have been removed, it could even be called Agility.But this is just speculation on my part.


Edit: I can't seem to find where it says that acrobatics has been removed from Skyrim, except in Zaldiir's information page, did Todd say this on a podcast somewhere or is there something I missed?

Edited by Corakus
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