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Obmm win 7 limited use help please! Thank you


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Question please

I'm using Windows 7, and I'm set as the administrator, but I can only use The limited mode of obmm, and I can't change it. I read the FAQ but it didn't answer my problem.


Every time I attempt to unzip a mod file I am told by win zip there is a problem and the file cannot be made. Any help please? BTW I have dl bot the full and manual install of Obmm and it gives the same error as I said above. Any help please? BTW again please I get thesame error for any mod file OBMm and any other. It's driving me mad cause I really want to play these cool mods. Any help please?


Thank you.

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I agree.


Windows 7 is the first OS in the Microsoft series that I've seen where you can be Administrator and yet you still need to ask your computer permission to let you do anything.


I turned off UAC completely and trust more than one third-party security program to handle the things UAC is supposed to be protecting me from.

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When Oblivion (or any other program for that matter) is installed in a subdirectory below C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) the Microsoft security feature called UAC (found in Vista and Windows 7) prevents modification of any executable files (e.g. Oblivion.exe). If you install Oblivion in the default location, it will install in C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion. This will not cause you any problems until you decide you want to install some mods.


To properly resolve this issue you need to have Oblivion installed in a directory outside C:\Program Files (I don't recommend disabling UAC ... it's there to help keep your computer safe from malware). When you install Oblivion change the directory to C:\Games\Oblivion, which will create a new directory C:\Games and a subdirectory Oblivion under that. Once you have Oblivion installed in C:\Games\Oblivion UAC will no longer stop your mods from running.


One of the moderators here bben46 has this guide to help you do the uninstallation/re-installtion properly.

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Well disabling the UAC has prevented that annoying limited use error message. The problem is I cannot figure out where to unzip the files to. I am using Quarls texture pack 3 mod. it is an Obmm mod I have tried extracting the files to my Oblivion data file but when I start the game and look in the data folder there is no mod. Also I cant find a mod file in my oblivion folder. I do see the obmm in there somewher but it wont open. any help I woud be grateful. Thank you.



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