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Textures aren't exporting


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Hi all. Long time mod user, beginner modder .


So I've been working on this building model and I've modeled it and textured it. I used a uvw unwrap method to texture it using materials I built with

textures from the oblivion folder. I am exporting the file as nif and importing it into oblivion. When I import it into oblivion it shows up as a purple

texture instead of the ones I assigned.


To make sure it wasn't my exporting method I imported a house from oblivion into 3ds max and exported it again under a new name / folder. I then

imported this into oblivion with no problems.


So here is what the model looks like in 3ds max:



Here is what it looks like when imported into NifSkope (notice the textures do not look like they do in 3ds max and there a ton of rods sticking everywhere):



And this is what it looks like when loaded into the construction set:



Sorry for the long read but many thanks for any help!

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Beginning mod user and even more beginninger (is that a word?) modder here. I've been doing a lot of reading and can't recall exactly where I read this, but I believe either Blender or NifScope (not sure which without seeing the original source I read) has some peculiarities around resource paths. It was either an extra backslash (\) got added to the path that had to be manually removed so that the texture would map correctly or forward slashes (/) were used instead of backslashes. Or I could be all messed up on this.


BTW ... nice looking building. Don't give up on this ... get your issue resolved. :thumbsup:


Edit: Please disregard anything above that is not in red text. LHammonds was gracious enough to respond to a PM regarding what I posted and set me straight. See my post below for his reply.

Edited by Striker879
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The "rods" are simply NiNodes that you see in NifSkope. You can ignore those. Most likely you just need to change the texture paths once you load it into NifSkope. Expand the NitriStrips/NitriShape trees in NifSkope and expand NiTexturingProperty subtree. Look at the NiSourceTexture entry and in the bottom pane of NifSkope you can see "Filename". Change that to the proper directory and texture (not to include Oblivion or Data folders). ie: textures\architecture\Striker\some_name.dds



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FYI - The path used to display textures in NifSkope and the Construction Set may not be identical. So just because you see the textures in one, doesn't mean you will see the textures in the other.


Since you are having problems seeing the texture in the construction set, make sure your textures are in your Oblivion's Data\Textures folder somewhere and that they are in DDS format (along with a normal map). The dimension sizes must also be in the power of 2 such as 512 x 1024 or 128x2048, etc.



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LHammonds' reply to my request for clarification:

Yes, I think you have it messed up.


When exporting from Blender to NIF format, the export process strips out the preceding path so it only contains the path starting with "textures\" so it avoids hard-coded paths that don't work for everyone such as "C:\mydocuments\joeblow\mymod\textures\armor\helmet.dds"


There is also an option that can be clicked called "Force DDS Extension" on the export screen that will convert whatever graphics extension you referenced in Blender (such as JPG, PNG or PSD) to become .DDS which is the only format that should be referenced in the NIF file...because that is what the game uses.


As for the forward slash vs backwards slash in the texture path, that only becomes a problem if the NIF is packaged in a BSA file. Any forward slashes in the path will not work if the content is stored inside a BSA file. So, we typically tell everyone to only use backslashes so that if the content is ever packaged in a BSA, it won't break.


I have never heard of a double backslash problem with Blender exports and I've been working with just about every version of the export scripts since 2007.



Thank you LHammonds.

Edited by LHammonds
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