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Installing Problem


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so what should i do now X_X


Go back up to my post #5. Click on 'Show' where it says 'Spoiler'. Copy/paste the contents into notepad and follow the instructions in post #5.

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Well, I don't know how the German version of the registry editor works, nor how the Oblivion entries are different. You are going to need somebody who understands the German version of the registry editor.
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When you copied from Hickory's post make sure you get the part that says 'Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00' but not the part above. Click File - Save As and then make sure it is being saved on your desktop (click the Save In drop down box). Name the file removedlc in the File name box near the bottom (don't put .txt on the end ... Notepad will add the extension) and then click Save. The file removedlc.txt will now be on your desktop. Right click the file and select Rename from the right click menu. The text below the icon will be highlighted. Click at the end of the text (or anywhere within the text and then use your arrow keys to move to the end of the text). The highlight should now be off the text. Backspace and remove the txt from the end but leave the dot. Type in reg and hit Enter. Say Yes to the warning dialog about changing the file extension. The file on your desktop should now read removedlc.reg. Double click the file and answer Yes to the confirmation prompt about merging a registry file.


What this will do is remove the registry entries that you currently have in your registry that Oblivion is seeing when you try to install KotN and SI.

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thats not good at all :(

is there really no other way to just delete the previous expansions from registry ?


If you feel confident enough to do it manually, yes.

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when i wrote last time didnt saw strikers new post sry. includingt the Registry Editior Version 5 pharse could solve it. gonna definilty try it when im home. at work right now , sadly no oblivion installed here :*(



+ i found this thread today



maybe it gonna help out aswell.

Edited by pussyranger
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When all else fails - my complete uninstall/reinstall covers this problem. Along with a link to a safe, good & free registry cleaner for people who do not know how to edit their registry.


I do NOT recommend manually editing the registry unless you know what you are doing. A mistake editing the registry can make your computer unable to boot. http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/charonn0/ohgeez-1.gif


Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the articles section of the Nexus



It allows you to preserve any saves and mods, or remove them completely - your choice.

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