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No teleport markers


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Hey guys


Whilst modding today I stumbled upon an error I haven't seen before.

I've placed a house in the tamriel worldspace, Created an interior and placed doors in both cells.

now whenever I try to create a link between the doors I don't get any teleport markers. When a door is used in game I just teleport "into" the target door.

This problem also occurs when I just place 2 doors in the same cell and try to link them.

I've tried restarting the CS, And tried it in a different ESP.


So, is this a common problem, and, if there is, whats the solution for this glitch ?

Or could this just be a mistake I'm making ?

Edited by DesertMonarch
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I can't think what would make that happen, then. I'm going to refer you to the link that Striker879 provided, else we'll be bouncing questions and answers off each other like loonies. Don't forget to name your doors before you set markers.
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