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I've been having countless problems with FNV - buggyness, constant crashes and all the common issues, mostly stuttery sound - all sound!


And here I forgot one simple thing, so simple it made my mind melt, the same thing I did with FO3 - you see ladies and gents, FO3 and FNV like to ... have their personal space? yes, personal space - and since I have 4 internal 1TB harddrives and countless external harddrives ( Artist - not only drawing but rendering and whatnaught, takes up a lot of space :S ) I decided, uhm instead of just installing FO3 and FNV into a different location on one harddrive I decided, what the hell - I installed FO3 and FNV onto their own personal 1TB harddrive ... each, and apparently they are both happy, very happy! =D they gave me cookies and muffins, thats how happy they are!


The FO3/FNV tip is that ... please even if you have already installed steam into program files and have a lot of games installed - hit the 'backup game files' and backup all the steam games, then uninstall them and steam - reinstall steam onto the main harddrive or even if you like a second harddrive, then install FO3 and FNV onto their own harddrive! and reinstall your steam games using the backups =D


Why? apparently FO3 and FNV just LOVE to screw up whenever its got company, ya know other ... STUFF on the harddrive. I've found out that they both run well ... smooth, max setting, max everything - over 30 or so mods being used, no stutter, no game lag, I get a constant FPS of 63 o.O; which is weird to me, most games cap at 60.


So the tale of this story my kids, is that ... FO3 and FNV are bloody bishes, BISHES! bishes on the rag, constantly all year round, every year!

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Makes no sense. Only reason I can think of it'd make a bit of difference is if they were on the system drive before.


FO3 and FNV are installed right next to each other on my system. Not a problem.

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Probably because your second HDD was not fragmented as the first one.

De-fragmentation fixes the game stuttering and lots of other problems, at least for me.

The only bad thing is that with a 1TB partition, it takes a LOOONG time to defrag.

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