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Whats the best graphics card to play Fallout NV at Ultra graphics with

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I recently upgraded to NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 which can just barely run graphics on High. I want to get a graphics card which is cheap and can run the graphics on Ultra with less to no lagg or glitching. Also can handle some more little graphics mods on the side to enhance the gameplay even more. If there is a graphics card out there that can do this please list it, if there are no cheap ones please list it anyway! I want the best of my gaming. I don't know much about graphics card so not sure what to list below.


Windows 7

Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz 2.94 GHz

4 GB of RAM

64 bit


Iv asked this question before on another website and they said I just need a RAM upgrade. If this is true how much should I look to upgrade too?

Edited by ItachisTruth
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The GT-240 is a pretty nice graphics card-mine is a far older Radeon 4870 HDMI edition, it's slightly older tech, not nearly as efficient, and it runs on ultra just fine.


What you really need is beefier RAM.


Size wise, as much as your motherboard can take, go down to your local PC repair shop and ask for info about your machine if you dont know this. Brand wise, Gigabyte, Corsair, MicroStarInternational (MSI to most of us) would probably be my shortlist. generaly speaking RAM is something you want lots of-when i first got Crysis my PC understandably failed utterly. I replaced the GPU with a mega-high end one, and it didnt make a blind bit of diferent, I then whacked in $50 US worth of cheap, generic brand RAM and hey presto, it went from not running, to running with all settings on Medium.


Generaly speaking just toss in a big load of RAM, it doesnt even have to be expensive RAM, but just RAM, MOAR RAM!



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If FNV is like FO3, then you can use the "Large Memory Area Flag" fix to enable the executable to recognize/use more than 2GB of RAM. Not sure if that's the case, (don't have any of the FO series) but "daorigins.exe" benefited from the same treatment! :thumbsup:


If so, more RAM is absolutely the easiest/cheapest way to improve performance.



I also have a GT 240/1GB and have been very happy with it. Runs DA:O and ME/ME2 on highest settings, no problem. Unfortunately, it isn't DX11-capable so I'm looking to upgrade for DA2, but no good options seem to exist. See my topic in this forum if you have any ideas!

Edited by Thandal
getting back on-topic.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently upgraded to NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 which can just barely run graphics on High. I want to get a graphics card which is cheap and can run the graphics on Ultra with less to no lagg or glitching. Also can handle some more little graphics mods on the side to enhance the gameplay even more. If there is a graphics card out there that can do this please list it, if there are no cheap ones please list it anyway! I want the best of my gaming. I don't know much about graphics card so not sure what to list below.


Windows 7

Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz 2.94 GHz

4 GB of RAM

64 bit


Iv asked this question before on another website and they said I just need a RAM upgrade. If this is true how much should I look to upgrade too?


The bold part was added by me.


That's a tall order you have there.

If you want some serious recommendations, beyond just the "MOAR RAM" you've been told. Please list the Motherboard model and Power Supply Wattage and number, if any, of six pin GPU connectors.


Also, please list if you have windows seven 64 or 32 bit.


Once we know that, we could help you out to a far greater extent.

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Are you kidding you at least needs something like this:



That is absolutely ridiculous! There is NO need to put that much rendering power into a computer!



That being said,


I will take two please :D





The 480 GTX is a great card, particularly for the pricepoint it's at right now. The 470 GTX is also a close second if you want to save a few dollars but still get decent performance.


However, any of this speculation is still assuming OP has a MOBO, Case, and PSU that can even handle anything past one of the basic PCI powered starter cards.

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