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GmodSupport - BANNED

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GmodSupport banned.




If you wanted to get modders for your site... Uploading their mods without their prior permission, sending them a canned IM, and requesting their e-mail is NOT the way to do it... Here or anywhere.


On a sidenote, because you are uploading mods somewhere else without permission, your site is now added to the list of banned links here. It's not about competition, you're welcome to try that... It's about modders rights and your group clearly doesn't care to respect them.

Edited by Vagrant0
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Several authors notified me about this last night (thank you to those who did!) and I agree with your decision, Vagrant.


The issue isn't that of "competition" but that of respect for the mod authors. This community has developed it's own etiquette and set of unspoken rules that many outsiders either don't know about or don't care about. One of the most golden of these rules is that you do not upload work that doesn't belong to you without permission from the author first.


If we can link an account on the Nexus to someone who is uploading other user's work to other sites without permission then we will ban them here without question.

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