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Error when trying to start OBMM - Any help?


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What's the issue with contacting Scent Tree as Hickory suggested?? He's actively supporting OBMM Extended ... his last post on the mod Comments was Feb 26/'11. The 'simple fix' you're looking for might be that close. Edited by Striker879
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Make sure you have the correct .NET framework from Microsoft to it to work. OBMM crashes on start are almost always due to lacking or corrupted .NET.


Ok, I did a repair on the .NET framework, rebooted, and tried OBMM, same error.


So I completely uninstalled the .NET framework, rebooted, reinstalled .NET, rebooted, and tried again, same error


Sometimes I hate computers :P


You miss my point. You said it was working fine, then suddenly threw up that error. I suppose you could try to reinstall OBMM over the top, but that may or may not cure the issue.


I think I'm still missing your point. I did say it was working fine, and now it's not. So if I can't find a solution to the issue, am I to just not use it ever again?


MY point in asking about re-installing OBMM was to see if it'd cause more hassle then it's worth. If deleting OBMM and reinstalling it won't screw up my mods, and if it will see my installed .omods as "activated" etc, where I can just start playing again instantly if I don't get that error after the reinstall, then why wouldn't I try to see if that fixes it, since there is currently no other solution?


If, however, deleting OBMM and then reinstalling it means I'll have to go into my \Data\ folder and delete all the installed textures and meshes and whatnot, and undo all the changes mods made, and then re-activate them all and get them all set up again, that's a lot of work to do for the possibility of MAYBE fixing the issue.


Oh and I really do appreciate the help guys, and I apologize if I tend to be a bit thick-headed when it comes to some of this stuff some times :)

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What's the issue with contacting Scent Tree as Hickory suggested?? He's actively supporting OBMM Extended ... his last post on the mod Comments was Feb 26/'11. The 'simple fix' you're looking for might be that close.


Oh, I did, and I'm hoping for a favorable reply. But there's no reason for me to sit on my hands waiting when I could still be trying to figure it out for myself :)

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Installing OBMM over the top will not delete your OMODs, which are in the \mods\ folder. So even if your settings get overwritten (looking at the installation archive they should not), then the worst will be that you will have to reactivate and overwrite your mods in OBMM. I don't think that will be the case, though. Download the manual install and extract the archive over the top of the current install.
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Installing OBMM over the top will not delete your OMODs, which are in the \mods\ folder. So even if your settings get overwritten (looking at the installation archive they should not), then the worst will be that you will have to reactivate and overwrite your mods in OBMM. I don't think that will be the case, though. Download the manual install and extract the archive over the top of the current install.


Alrighty. If scenttree is unable to help me that'll probably be my next step then, as I've run out of ideas myself other then that or doing a complete reinstall of oblivion itself :P

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If anyone else has this problem and happens upon this thread, Scenttree released an update that fixes this issue, and its now available in the files section of OBMM Extended :)


Thank you for reporting back. :thumbsup: See what patience can lead to? :whistling:

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