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menu scroll does not work


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Are the menus supposed to scroll using the mouse wheel? It seems that they should, but mine never have. The only way to scroll is to drag the little handle up or down or click above or below it. Very annoying. I also can't seem to zoom in or out in 3rd person. If I use the wheel it just rotates the view in an unpredictable way unless I am look directly down on my character. I'm using a Wacom 3 tablet and mouse, but it works fine for everything else.
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Yes, the scroll wheel will scroll the menus if you have your options set up correctly. In game, go to Options >> Controls >> Controls >> Mouse and set your options as necessary.
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I checked my control settings and for 'change view' I clicked the wheel button, but in the menu it simply said 'wheel'. Clicking the wheel button changes my view from 1st to 3rd person, but scrolling the wheel seems to rotate the camera around the player in an unpredictable and unusable way. Is Oblivion not able to recognize both the wheel rotation and wheel click as separate functions?

Interested in knowing if anyone out there able to use both wheel scroll for menu operation and wheel click for view change?

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I had similar issues getting my Logitech mouse wheel working ... finally settled on not using the wheel and using the side 'back' button instead (I was looking for an alternative to 'c' for cast ... 'c' says crouch to an old FPS guy like me).
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