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Dragon Species in Skyrim


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I hope you can wait to trigger the dragon-related quests (like triggering the Oblivion gates), because I really don't have much interest in them. While I think dragons are a great way to add character to the game, I hope they're not constantly interrupting my random bouts of exploration and other adventuring.


I hardly ever trigger the Oblivion gates when I play anymore, and it's precisely because I feel it interrupts the flow of traveling through Cyrodiil.


As for species, I hope they have smaller dragons in caves up in the high peaks. It would be sweet to go into the dragon's den, with furnace blasts roaring through the deep caverns.


I don't know about friends per se, but a dragon as a quest-giver is definitely something I could get on board with. :thumbsup:

Edited by xaliqen
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Ok, I know there are bigger lore-buffs out there that can probably discredit me, but here's the story that I've built up:


I picture the red dragons as mediaeval ones (like the ones that are shown in skyrim), and the black dragons as more of an eastern-style dragon (Asian influence. Fly without wings. Etc).


We know that, in Akavir, the Tsaesci tried to eat the dragons after eating the humans. The black dragons fled to Po' Tun, and the red dragons were enslaved, and they were all "extinct" after the battle was over.


They are obviously not extinct, because they are appearing in skyrim. So maybe the black dragons somehow melded with the tiger people (or maybe there is only one left—Tosh Raka). And if the dragons WEREN'T completely destroyed, then maybe the humans weren't, either. Maybe the enslaved red dragons melded with them, and they escaped to tamriel.


So maybe "red" and "black" aren't because of the color of them, but because "red" represents the blood passed down through the families of akaviri escapees. Maybe "black" is more of a magical transformation, or divine transformation.


Far out


ehm dude thats a little far fetched cant you just stick to the facts.....


and offcourse this video uploaded a few days ago shows us some reall nice stuff and offcourse what we all thought about dragon differsity and companions




though you have to watch through the first half of the video with dragon shouts and spriggans



Argh! Necro. :sick:

It would have been pretty hard for him to see that video, since he posted in JULY.


Anyway, in reference to the redirection of topic: We've heard there are 6 main dragon types, each with different "power levels." We've actually seen 4 types now (maybe): red in the latest video, along with the purple (?) one that is called by a shout. Since that one's named, I wouldn't count it as one of the types. In the QuakeCon/E3 demo there's a standard, greenish one as well as a blue frost dragon. In a magazine scan, we've seen another greenish one with different scales and tail, although that may just be a variation on the standard green one.


Todd says in the interview that the player "earns the trust" of this named dragon, and can then shout his name to gain his aid in battle. Who knows what this task entails, but I imagine it's not as simple as pulling a thorn out of his scaly claw...

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As for the third, ima call him Frank.


Nononono i want serious names, no comedy!



Frank is a comedy name? It's my middle name you cheeky blighter! >:(


Oh! nononono i meant its a comedy name to give to a dragon or anything else thats not human. Franks an excellent name to give a human!

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I for one find the notion of a dragon companion extremely tacky, thus I pray daily in front of my Todd Howard altar that Bethesda does NOT include dragons as companions in Skyrim.


My hope is that the sole purpose of the dragons is to be the strongest, most evil hero-eating, village-burning enemies in the game that have no other intentions than to kill you dead. Having a benevolent dragon helping you out and offering advice sounds like something that belongs in the Harry Potter novels.


Duly quoted. Couldn't agree more.

Dragons are engines of destruction, or at best arrogant p**cks who believe they're the gods' gift to the world (and thus eligible to be cut down by heroes, peasants, and small animals).


And YES, I am biased :D

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I for one find the notion of a dragon companion extremely tacky, thus I pray daily in front of my Todd Howard altar that Bethesda does NOT include dragons as companions in Skyrim.


My hope is that the sole purpose of the dragons is to be the strongest, most evil hero-eating, village-burning enemies in the game that have no other intentions than to kill you dead. Having a benevolent dragon helping you out and offering advice sounds like something that belongs in the Harry Potter novels.


Duly quoted. Couldn't agree more.

Dragons are engines of destruction, or at best arrogant p**cks who believe they're the gods' gift to the world (and thus eligible to be cut down by heroes, peasants, and small animals).


And YES, I am biased :D


Bad timing .. they just announced you can call on a dragon ally on monday :P

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I for one find the notion of a dragon companion extremely tacky, thus I pray daily in front of my Todd Howard altar that Bethesda does NOT include dragons as companions in Skyrim.


My hope is that the sole purpose of the dragons is to be the strongest, most evil hero-eating, village-burning enemies in the game that have no other intentions than to kill you dead. Having a benevolent dragon helping you out and offering advice sounds like something that belongs in the Harry Potter novels.


Duly quoted. Couldn't agree more.

Dragons are engines of destruction, or at best arrogant p**cks who believe they're the gods' gift to the world (and thus eligible to be cut down by heroes, peasants, and small animals).


And YES, I am biased :D


Bad timing .. they just announced you can call on a dragon ally on monday :P

O well. "You can" does not mean "you must". I simply won't rely on oversidez lizards to do my job :P


**manly man mode ON** xD

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I for one find the notion of a dragon companion extremely tacky, thus I pray daily in front of my Todd Howard altar that Bethesda does NOT include dragons as companions in Skyrim.


My hope is that the sole purpose of the dragons is to be the strongest, most evil hero-eating, village-burning enemies in the game that have no other intentions than to kill you dead. Having a benevolent dragon helping you out and offering advice sounds like something that belongs in the Harry Potter novels.


Duly quoted. Couldn't agree more.

Dragons are engines of destruction, or at best arrogant p**cks who believe they're the gods' gift to the world (and thus eligible to be cut down by heroes, peasants, and small animals).


And YES, I am biased :D


Bad timing .. they just announced you can call on a dragon ally on monday :P

O well. "You can" does not mean "you must". I simply won't rely on oversidez lizards to do my job :P


**manly man mode ON** xD


Will you beat them to death with your damn bare hands?



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I for one find the notion of a dragon companion extremely tacky, thus I pray daily in front of my Todd Howard altar that Bethesda does NOT include dragons as companions in Skyrim.


My hope is that the sole purpose of the dragons is to be the strongest, most evil hero-eating, village-burning enemies in the game that have no other intentions than to kill you dead. Having a benevolent dragon helping you out and offering advice sounds like something that belongs in the Harry Potter novels.


Duly quoted. Couldn't agree more.

Dragons are engines of destruction, or at best arrogant p**cks who believe they're the gods' gift to the world (and thus eligible to be cut down by heroes, peasants, and small animals).


And YES, I am biased :D


Bad timing .. they just announced you can call on a dragon ally on monday :P

O well. "You can" does not mean "you must". I simply won't rely on oversidez lizards to do my job :P


**manly man mode ON** xD


Will you beat them to death with your damn bare hands?




Better, I'll bludgeon them with my manly manliness XD


**does Hulk Hogan impression** DOVAKHAMANIA!!! XD

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If I'm not mistaken some of the dragons will actually speak. I don't remember if it was in the info thread here or some other article about skyrim I read, but I remember reading that dragons could talk but in their ancient dragon language (or something like that) and therefore not being able to understand them, while there are a select few that can speak english (or what ever language version of the game you have). I'm not 100% sure on this but I swear I read it from some official skyrim article :confused:


The interview you are probably referring to is the GT.TV Geoff Keighly interview of Todd Howard in Park City, Utah from April 2011; at ~ 5:12 min (reference to one dragon that 'might' speak English). I'm betting that the English speaking dragon is our ally:


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