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Request for horse riding animation


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Sorry, Datapallo, but I don't do anything on request, unless it fits into my mods. My list is long, and I'm just preparing a new version.


But since I had forgotten few details and wasn't sure any more if it was all, I have prepared a forward.kf and uploaded that as Miscellaneous under NoMaaM BBB Animation Theatre.


So have a look, if this is what you wanted. Create Data\Meshes\creatures\horse, if not already existing and copy forward.kf into Data\Meshes\creatures\horse. There is a little stutter between 2 cycles as predicted, but it's less than I expected. This should be smoothed out as described. And the fastforward.kf is missing, of course.


So in case you or someone else want to finish up (still hope you do :wink:), here are the steps I missed out in my previous post:


4a. All bones from the following list, which have 2 or more keys need to have a key for the last frame (51). In this special case, frame 51 is missing. Copy the preceding keys (in this case frame key 50) for all relevant bones onto frame 51.


8a. Copy the animation data for the following (BIP01 !!!) bones:

  • NonAccum
  • Hand.R

Sorry I'm not interested anymore, because all of this mess, anyways thanks for even trying to help me.


Welcome to the world of modding. It aint easy as it seems. And these people do it for free!

Thank you to all you modders for your time. To make Oblivion a better game than it is. It truly is appreciated!

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Could you then make a little guide, for me :)? pl0x, I really want the animation.. :unsure:


Sorry I'm not interested anymore, because all of this mess, anyways thanks for even trying to help me.


Oh yes, Datapallo, you're very welcome. It was a pleasure to serve you. But at least I have learned a few things (with NifSkope, not with human interaction). And one very final word: putting someone on his list of friends after 2 posts doesn't necessarily make him one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just for those reading this, I have yet to run into a situation that kept someone from installing a Blender/NifSkope when following these instructions no matter what version of Windows you are running (WinXP, Vista, Win7, 32-bit/64-bit). The biggest problems (but still able to correct) were multiple versions of Python being installed causing shared variable issues.


Good luck and have fun.


...and remember, most mods exist because nobody else would create them...which is how many modders get their start. ;)



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Thank you, fore. I have decided to try this tonight. No matter what happens I will learn from it. Very helpful post. I admit, this will be a bit intimidating, but I am trying to learn how to do these things, so I appreciate your generosity here.


LHammonds, I previously gave up because of difficulties installing which I thought were due to Windows7. Thank you so much for that info! I will try again now and hopefully I can try this.

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@ LHammonds


Two questions stemming from that excellent Blender Installation link:


1) Does the example path C:\Apps\... just need to be consistent between the different modules (Blender, PyFFI etc) and outside C:\Program Files\... or does it need to be that exactly (e.g. could I go with G:\OblivionApps\Blender etc)?

2) Does the Python-2.6.5.msi install the correct version and location for Wrye Bash to use as well or will a separate Python installation be needed for Wrye Bash?

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1. Yes, the prefix "C:\Apps\" can be anything as long as it is consistent and NOT "C:\Program Files\" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\"


If you wanted to use "C:\OblivionApps\", you could just reference these folder paths when installing instead:





C:\OblivionApps\NifTools\Blender NIF Scripts



Well, technically it does not have to be "consistent" between all of them but some paths are dependent upon where you install the other software...such as the "scripts" for NIF Scripts being installed where Blender was installed. I prefer my instructions to be written in such a way that it is consistent for YOU so you know if something is in the wrong place...like installing a different version of Blender (e.g. 2.49 --> 2.49b) and forgetting to change the default path...thus breaking the existing PyFFI / NIF Scripts export process...which can be corrected by uninstalling and re-installing Blender where the other was...such as C:\OblivionApps\Blender.


2. I have not had Wrye Bash installed in a VERY long time so I would only be guessing. But from what I do remember, you don't change the Python default installation folder...there really is no reason to do so. It installs outside the "Program Files" folder and most problems can be resolved with the system variables being configured correctly (such as having multiple python versions installed). A quick look at the Wrye Bash page, it seems to be getting continual updates and one of the comments says the install program requires "Python 2.6.6" so I'd think if you simply substitute "Python 2.6.5" in the Blender install instructions, 2.6.6 will probably work for Blender 2.49b. The main requirement is that Blender can find / use Python 2.6.x (any minor change to 2.6 should be OK). Since Python 2.7.1 is the current version, you will have to find the older 2.6.x versions in the old releases page.



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