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OBSE crashing upon load

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I have recently reinstalled Oblivion, and attempted to reinstall all the mods I used to have. The only one that requires OBSE, is deadly reflex, one of my favorite mods. I also downloaded Francesco's (I don't really want FCOM), all the DLCs, and SI. Whenever I use OBSE, which is only when i have deadly reflex active, my game crashes when I load it. I tried deactivating every mod, so all I have is the oblivion file: same thing happens. I can't patch my game up to 1.2.416; I just have the one that came with SI. What should I do? Is there an archived version of OBSE I should be using instead of the newest? The only requirement is it has to be at least v15.


Your Humble Narrator

Edited by urhumblenarrator
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On your game version issue, you can get your current version at the bottom left corner of your screen when you're at the menu screen (load game etc). If you have the Game of the Year edition installing SI from the game CDs will update Oblivion to 1.2.0416. When you say

I also downloaded Francesco's (I don't really want FCOM), all the DLCs, and SI.
I'm unclear whether you downloaded just Francesco's or you downloaded the DLCs and SI as well. If you are not a Steam user I hope that means you downloaded the DLCs and SI from an official source. A Steam installation should be automatically up-to-date from my understanding (I'm a non-Steam guy myself). Patches from differing sources shouldn't be mixed (e.g. the Direct2Drive patch won't work on a retail disk or vice versa).


Your install directory is also important if you are running either Windows 7 or Vista. Microsoft's secuity feature UAC will interfere if you have Oblivion installed in the default C:\Program Files location. Follow bben46's Uninstall/Re-install guide to get things set straight if that's the case.

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