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Misplaced Oblivion saves


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The problem I'm having is on the Xbox 360, so it probably doesn't even belong on this site, but I'm deciding to post it here because people seem to know what they're talking about seeing as how I haven't gotten a wrong answer yet. I stopped playing Oblivion a while ago, and now this happens every session. The list of your saves goes from #1 at the bottom, to the most recent at the top, but lets say I save 5 times in a session and then turn off my Xbox, then those 5 saves are below #1. And then the session after that I save 4 times, those 4 saves are under my 5 previous saves. I don't know what caused it but if you guys have any answers please help me out with this. Edited by Goudanis
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I'm not sure about your ordering issue. I have noticed that Oblivion on the PC will re-number saves if I save over an old save. You notice next time you start the game and reload your last save it's re-numbered sequential to the next highest. It does always appear at the top of the list though. I notice in the screen shot your scroll bar is at the bottom. What's at the top of your list?
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I'm not sure about your ordering issue. I have noticed that Oblivion on the PC will re-number saves if I save over an old save. You notice next time you start the game and reload your last save it's re-numbered sequential to the next highest. It does always appear at the top of the list though. I notice in the screen shot your scroll bar is at the bottom. What's at the top of your list?


It went #1 at the bottom and the latest save at the top for a while, and at save 434 it started doing this. So all my most recent saves go right under #1 near the bottom of my list

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Sorry Goudanis but I'm stumped at this point. I'm a PC guy myself (never owned a TV so a console like Xbox isn't likely to be found in my house). Does Oblivion load your mis-ordered saves OK? If so at least your game's not broken, just being inconvenient. Can't offer much more.
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You might try the official Bethesda site - not too many people here mess with consoles as you can't legally mod them. :rolleyes: And we do not allow any discussion on modding consoles at all.


As long as you are not asking about console mods or about console modding we will allow the question though.

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You might try the official Bethesda site - not too many people here mess with consoles as you can't legally mod them. :rolleyes: And we do not allow any discussion on modding consoles at all.


As long as you are not asking about console mods or about console modding we will allow the question though.


I haven't modded my Xbox or anything but this damned problem is really being annoying, imagine not joking around and shooting someone in the head because you know reloading will take about 3 minutes

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Bben46 wasn't suggesting you were breaking the rules here, merely summarizing the rules for you so that you didn't get on the wrong side of them.


Have you tried asking for help on the Bethesda site, as bben46 suggested or possibly on XBox 360 forums? If we had an answer for you we'd gladly give it. Your problem is outside our experience (mine at least).


Also outside my experience is jail or prison time but I would be doubtful if they allowed much XBox time while incarcerated. I know it's frustrating not being able to fix your problem. When I'm making comments like "Also outside my experience is jail or prison time" I'm not trying to make light of your problem, more trying to help put it into perspective. If you keep looking for solutions to your problem, here and elsewhere you'll eventually find the solution, if one exists. If you can't find a solution it will be disappointing and not your preferred outcome I'm sure but comments including violence don't attract the kind of attention that will lead to a solution.

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Bben46 wasn't suggesting you were breaking the rules here, merely summarizing the rules for you so that you didn't get on the wrong side of them.


Have you tried asking for help on the Bethesda site, as bben46 suggested or possibly on XBox 360 forums? If we had an answer for you we'd gladly give it. Your problem is outside our experience (mine at least).


Also outside my experience is jail or prison time but I would be doubtful if they allowed much XBox time while incarcerated. I know it's frustrating not being able to fix your problem. When I'm making comments like "Also outside my experience is jail or prison time" I'm not trying to make light of your problem, more trying to help put it into perspective. If you keep looking for solutions to your problem, here and elsewhere you'll eventually find the solution, if one exists. If you can't find a solution it will be disappointing and not your preferred outcome I'm sure but comments including violence don't attract the kind of attention that will lead to a solution.


Did I say something violent? The thing about shooting someone in the head is a big part of the game

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