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Stupid CTD...


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Dude, these non-specific one-liner responses are not helping us figure out your situation enough to provide any useful help. If you do not know the answer to one of the questions, just say so and we can tell you how to get the answer. But if you just cannot be bothered, then it isn't likely anyone else can either.
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OK i just wanna play fallout 3, I have no anti virus in background, I have a C drive and 2 gigs ram, a ati radeon express 300 i don't know what sound card... it says fallout.exe has countered a error and needs to close, it never makes it to the menu. on a lucky day you can hear music i dont have ffd show or anyother video codec running or installed
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Dude, you already told us all that. What you haven't told us is any of the other stuff we have asked about. Here is a recap of what we need that you haven't yet shared with us:


1. What version of the game are you on? (bben asked it already, and it was an important question) Simply saying that you are on the "highest" level doesn't tell us anything. The site you got it from may have stopped hosting the patch after the very first one was released, meaning that three more versions could have come out that you never even saw mentioned. Also, even if you got the latest patch, that doesn't guarantee the patching process worked properly, so you might actually be trying to load the vanilla version without even knowing. So again, what SPECIFIC version are you running? You can tell by simply right-clicking the file "fallout3.exe" and choosing "Properties", then looking at the tab labeled "Version".


2. OTHER THAN virus protection, what ELSE is running in your system tray? I already posted a full explanation on how to check this, which you apparently didn't see.


3. How much FREE drive space do you have on your hard drive(s)?


4. Did you go to that website that bben linked in his post? If so, what happened?

Edited by proconsu1
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i got the latest patch from bethasoft.com i don't remember what it is. I AM NOT RUNNING ANTI VIRUS ATM OR ANYOTHER PROGRAM THAT DOES NOT MAKE MY COMPTUER GO!!!!!


3: everytime i go to the website my computer crashes >.<

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