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Books not working


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You know how certain books are meant to add map markers or add skill points? I'm having trouble getting them to do so. For instance, reading the book "Cleansing of the Fane" isn't adding the map marker to Malada. Do I have to have the associated quest active first? The way this article on UESP.net is written, as well as the article for Malada itself, seems to suggest otherwise, even though the article for Malada states that the quest must be active to proceed past a certain point in the dungeon.

If the map marker is meant to be East of Bravil and North of Sundercliff Watch, then something's wrong with the book I'm reading. I couldn't have already found it, because it's a brand new game, and I haven't gone beyond the Imperial City island. The book I read was purchased from The First Edition. When I drop this book on the floor, press "~" and left-click on it, the game IDs it as "Cleasing of the Fane 'ff000d76'". Is this the correct object ID?

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Excerpted from the UESP quest walkthrough for Nothing You Can Possess:


This quest is only obtained after selling Umbacano the third ancient Ayleid statue in the prior quest, The Collector.

Umbacano tells you that he wants you to recover a special decorative carving from an Ayleid ruin called the High Fane (no apparent relation to the High Fane in the temple of Vivec in Morrowind). This was an important Ayleid structure in the mythic age and, although he does not know its exact location, he has found the key that gives access to where the carving is stored. He believes the ruin is probably known by another name now, shows you a sketch of the Fane, and asks if you recognize it.

If you've read the book Cleansing of the Fane, you'll know the modern name of the ruin, and can answer that it is currently called Malada. Umbacano offers to pay you a leveled amount of gold if you can recover the carving.

You will also recognize the drawing if you've already been to Malada.


I could be wrong on this, but my thinking is that you need to talk to Umbacano after reading the book to get the map marker (see bold text in above quote).

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Right, but everyone at UESP is telling me that the book gives me the marker whether or not I've talked to the guy. Umbacano is in the IC somewhere, so he's not to far away from where I am now. I'll talk to him, and according to your info, a new dialogue option should be available, one that lets me tell him that I know OF the place he wants to know about, but not necessarily where.
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Do you have any mods that alter map marker behaviour, like OOO, MMO etc?
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Not OOO, but I do have the three UOPs. I also use a couple of the RealSwords mods, the Crossbows of Cyrodiil mod, and VipCXj's RadarSystem mod, but I'm pretty sure those don't affect map markers.


I'm not overly concerned about this book in particular, since I know where Malada is meant to be (Northwest of Sundercliff Watch), but I'm worried about similar books and if something might cause problems with them later on. Like, I don't want to have finished Hermaeus Mora's quest, and find that the reward doesn't work. I mean, that would suck.

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VipCXj's RadarSystem mod, but I'm pretty sure those don't affect map markers.



It just might, since it is a HUD modifier. I don't use it, but I would suspect it, and investigate it.

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Probably not, since this issue occurred BEFORE I installed that one. However, I think I might have found a mod that would have broken marker  adding/stat and attribute changing books. It's called Myths and  Legends. It adds seven books to various shops. But after uninstalling it (and the Radar mod, since it didn't really work the way I wanted it to) and reading the book again, it still won't add the marker. *sigh* I really don't want to have to start a new game already just to fix the issue. But I will, if that's what it takes. Lemme start a test character and get back to the IC and the First Edition (or I could just spawn the book itself if this new game doesn't place it in the shop's inventory) and I'll report back with the results.


Ok, I think it was "Myths and Legends 2". After uninstalling it and starting a new game, then tracking down a copy of the book (without visiting the site itself first), the map marker was added. Here's a comment I left for the mod author.


There MIGHT be an issue with the books added by this mod that prevents Vanilla books from adding their intended map markers and stat/attribute changes. An example is the book "Cleansing of the Fane", which is meant to add the map marker to a place called Malada, in the Nibenay Basin. I think the issue involves purchasing said book from The First Edition, where I bought Myths and Legends v2. I bought both books before closing the merchant dialogue, and then read both in alphabetical order (there were other books I purchased in between, all of them from the Vanilla game).
Edited by predcon
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