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Oblivion Mods Newbie

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I am a newbie at mods... I want to use them. don't know how. Someone told me to download a mod manager, but I don't know how to use it. I have the Oblivion Mod Manager and I really want to add mods to my Elder Scroll game. I have no clue on how you use the manager to place mods into the game. So, until someone helps me... I'm stuck without mods. Could someone please help me with this! Thank you!
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First of all, before you go any further, if you are running Windows 7 or Vista, uninstall Oblivion completely and then reinstall it outside of the default 'Program Files' folder structure. Somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion. If you don't do this, Windows will continue to plague your modding experience with it's wonderful (cough) way of ghosting things that you THINK are going into the Program Files folder.


Once you have done that, and have installed Oblivion Mod Manager, you need to understand what OBMM does. It uses it's own archiving system for mods, much like .zip files but they are called .OMOD files. You can download OMOD files that have been created by the author, or OMOD ready files. Some (but not all) .zip/.7z archive can be successfully created into OMOD files by using the 'Create' button in OBMM.


Ok, let's step back for a second. When you download an OMOD make sure that OBMM is closed and then place the OMOD into your \Oblivion\obmm\mods\ folder. When you run OBMM your new mod will be there in the right-hand window, coloured either green, orange (I think), red, black or blue. Green means not installed and no conflict. Orange means not installed and minor conflict. Red means not installed and more troublesome conflict. Black means not installed and major conflict. Blue means successfully installed.


To install a mod, you simply double click on a green mod. Any other colour should be reviewed before installing.


That should get you going, but for more information press the 'Help' button.


NB: Do NOT change any of the default settings, and under no circumstances change 'BSA Redirection' to anything else.

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Thanks Hickory. I am running the 64 bit windows 7 O.S. I have another question then. I bought Oblivion through 'Steam'. Will they allow me to uninstall then re-download without me having to pay for the game again?
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I know nothing about Steam, sorry. If you create another thread somebody will answer that one for you.
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You can redownload Oblivion via steam ect, but you cant install outside of the steam directory itseflf, so if you install steam to program files, you will have to move it outside.
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micalov.... did'nt quite understand your message. Are you saying I have to move 'steam' out of my program files, if I want to uninstall 'Oblivion' from my PC? I'm worried I'm going to do this wrong and lose my money for the game... yeah, I know it isn't a lot of money, but still couldn't afford to buy another copy for a while and I love the game. I want to use the Mods badly though, so could you please walk me through it a little? I know dealing with newbies can be frustrating and I appologize... I do appreciate any and all help that comes my way.
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OK... I tried to move 'Steam' to 'c/games, but it failed. a pop-up came up stating 'The action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program'. Now I did try to move it before I uninstalled the 'Oblivion' game. Does this make a difference? I don't know if I'm doing it wrong, probably yes. someone please help me here. :(
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Depending how many Steam games you have installed this could be a big project. Oblivion and any other Steam games would need to be uninstalled and then Steam as well. Re-install Steam to C:\Games\Steam. Then re-install your Steam games, including Oblivion to C:\Games\Steam\... . Any non-Steam games would go in their own directory in C:\Games. I would advise getting more info from the Steam website regarding your options when uninstalling and re-installing Steam and Steam games. I would think that registering an unistall should free up a re-install, but I'm not a Steam user ... my only experience is with Impulse (and that's the policy there). One of the moderators here, bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get the Oblivion part done completely and correctly. Edited by Striker879
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Thanks Striker... I will look into steams policy tommorrow. I only have the Oblivion game downloaded from 'Steam' so it isn't a large project.... just one I want to do right. thanks for the link also. ;)
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Once you purchase a game via STEAM you can install and uninstall it as many times as you wish. You own the game, it's tied to your STEAM account. They don't charge you every time you need to reinstall a game or format your computer. That would just be plain silly and the company would have tanked years ago if that was the case.


Also to move STEAM is rather simple as well. Some simply Google searching would point you in the right direction, like the STEAM support page article, Moving a STEAM Installation and Games.

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