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[Request] Bank Mod


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I haven't seen a single mod that makes or even attempts to make a banking system. There are so many ways to go with this and if I had the know-how, I would make it. Here are some of the features in my dream bank mod:


-Loans(send talon company or regulators after you if you owe for too long)

-Bank Accounts(Own visual vault filled with money maybe?)

-Accounts gain interest

-Investing quests similar to Canterbury Commons

-New traders to invest in? Fund raider parties or regulator groups that loot the bad guys?


If anyone wants to make this, that'd be awesome. I think I'm going to try, but my modding knowledge is infantile at best. <-Not joking :P


Thanks for listening children!

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I just think it'd be a cool feature that adds to immersion. I'm sure not everyone could go scavenge the wastes for caps. I'm not saying make it a game-breaking cheat to get caps, just an alternate or extra source of income. And don't you think if there were a post-apocalyptic currency, that someone would regulate it? I think something like this would go nicely with maxing the costs traders have with the FWE option.
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KUDOS! Still gonna try and make my own. Maybe mod this one for myself. Thank you very much! IDK why after all my searching this mod didn't come up.
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