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Anybody use Xbox controller with PC?


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I've got a corded Xbox controller which I've lately been using with my PC. I kind of like it, I'm just wondering it anyone else has done it and if they've been able to map other keys to controls.


Maybe it's possible, but I cannot quicksave (F5) with the controller hooked up. I don't know if there's a specific hotkey to do it.

With keyboard/mouse I can// sprint (holding CAPS), but I'm not sure if this is possible with the controller. (I can still hold caps to sprint, but it makes changing directions harder as one hand as to leave the controller).


A couple other downsides such as the 1,3,7,9 hotkeys being a little harder to press (as its using the directional pad buttons NW, NE, SW,SE).


Anyone else in the same boat?

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